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  • Absenteeism

    Before I mke a big deal of it...
    Maybe I'm looking for problems?

    But a 5 year old in Sr. Kindergarten.
    Out of 95 school days I see 11.5 absences, and 10 lates.

    are these numbers excessive?

  • #2
    That's about 2 lates and two absent a month? That's pretty normal.


    • #3
      That's fine, it could be a lot more as when kids start school they're constantly catching colds/flus/bugs from other kids. They get better then the kootie they caught does another round and they catch it again . Chicken Pox takes a week off school, and if she hasn't caught it yet she will eventually.
      I think unless the teacher is voicing a concern, or grades are seriously slipping don't make waves when there's no need as all it is going to do is cause more stress between you and your ex.


      • #4
        Typically my kids run at approx. 3.5-5.5 days absent total/school year.

        11.5 is on the high side. Couple with the number of lates...might be worth keeping an eye on, especially if there are any other concerns noted from the school. (ie. the kid start failing). However, keep in mind the "lates" could simply be doctor/dentist appointments, etc. so take that with a grain of salt.

        When I was still fighting for custody and the kids were with their mother, they had 20.5 absences that year and attended 4 different schools in < 1 year. (She kept getting evicted and moving). THAT is excessive, and since it led to my son failing a grade it was a valid point in my custody case.


        • #5
          That's not too much to worry about. Schools have been very strict the last few years( likely because of swine flu) and do not wish to see your children at school with even a hint of a cold. More parents across the board(no pun intended) are seeing more absences. At my children's school the office was marking late less than one minute late. After a brief chat with the principa they laid off being so strict.
          Over the course of a year those numbers sound average to me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by NBDad View Post
            Typically my kids run at approx. 3.5-5.5 days absent total/school year.
            Lucky you!! My kids are exposed to classmates at 2 different schools, and another set of kids each at daycare/after school programs, and another set of kids each at sports. They pick up every virus that goes around. They are off school an average of 2 days each per month.

            My eldest is going in for tonsilectomy tomorrow morning, she's had 4 rounds of strep throat per year the last few years. We all get colds, she gets strep throat. The doctor says the strep lives permanently in her tonsils and flares up when her immune system is down.

            My ex of course can't take days off for the kids when they are sick, she expects me to cover it all. I've missed 4 days per month for the last 6 years. 48 days a year adds up to 2 months of working days, over 10% of my income.

            I'm hoping the tonsilectomy cuts that down some.


            • #7
              My grade 2'er had 2 absents in 4 lates. Grade 4'er had 2.5 absences and 4 lates.


              • #8
                thanks for the input.
                sounds to me like it's not something I shouldn't really worry about at the moment - but maybe something to keep an eye on too.

                exactly why i asked here - it's good to have a few opinions and keep a level head before jumping off the deep end.

                I think its a lttle high... but his grades were great and the teacher postively raved about him in person. So I guess I'll take it with a grain of salt.


                • #9
                  I just got my Daughters report card today! I am lucky in that I have a 50 / 50 arrangement and the last day of school fell on my week! She has 11.5 abs over the year, and 7 lates. When it comes to the kiddo, we are on good terms, so I know abut them all, and it is pretty normal. dentists appointments, to a bout with the flu, and that 100 day cold thing. I wouldn't worry at all. From what his teachers say, he is doing very well!


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