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FRO enforcement

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  • FRO enforcement

    I lost my job in July and after failing to negotiate new child support with ex, filed a motion to change. At that time FRO said they would hold off on aggressive collections.
    Meanwhile the court process takes forever. At the case conference, the judge refused to let me present at a motion and insists that it has to be a trial. More delay!
    FRO, despite their assurances, started action to suspend my driver's license. I now have to file a motion for a refraining order, which I fear my result in the judge in this motion forcing me to make payments ( blood out of a stone???).
    I self represent as I have no confidence in using a lawyer, or frankly the ability to pay one.
    Does anyone have any experience on how to help expedite the process so that FRO will not proceed to take money I don't have, take my passport etc?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Are you paying anything? You should be paying something. Since July have you been working? It is my understanding (and others will correct me if I am wrong) as long as you are paying something FRO won't get aggressive. However if you are saying since July you have paid nothing, then I don't know why you expect FRO to hold off. You have a duty to support your children.

    More details are needed to really help you out.


    • #3
      I overpaid support to July and have been working hard to get work, but am hampered as I have a non compete with my former partnership. I agree with the duty to my children. But I have paid more based upon my income and ex is a doctor making almost 300,000. I am working through courts on my motion, but did not think FRO would get aggressive. I need to get a new order based upon my income.


      • #4
        Did you make set up a VoluntRy payment schedule? You would need to talk with your FRO person, submit your finanacial statement and bSed on that you agree to make a voluntary payment each month to pay off arrears.


        • #5
          It doesnt matter what your ex makes. Once you hit $2000-3000 in arrears with FRO they start suspending your id. You should have still been making a payment to them.

          Call your case worker and discuss setting up an arrears repayment schedule to lift the suspensions. You still have to make payments while youre going through the court system.


          • #6
            Aware of all of the above comments. However the situation is a circus. The reality is I HAVE paid my full support ( based upon my income ) and am working to get a new order from the courts. I am self represented and it is a slow and tedious process.
            It seems that the innocents are treated worse than many criminals waiting for their trial.
            I am guess I am now stuck in a system for many many years.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cottagedad View Post
              Aware of all of the above comments. However the situation is a circus. The reality is I HAVE paid my full support ( based upon my income ) and am working to get a new order from the courts. I am self represented and it is a slow and tedious process.
              It seems that the innocents are treated worse than many criminals waiting for their trial.
              I am guess I am now stuck in a system for many many years.
              if you had been paying your full "court-ordered" support then FRO wouldn't be taking decided to change the amount yourself without an updated court order. So actually the reality is until you have a new order you haven't paid your full support.


              • #8
                If you haven't read the news, Census Canada is hiring for 5 month jobs.

                Statistics Canada Hiring 35,000 For 2016 Census That Will Replace Harper's Voluntary Survey

                Census jobs


                • #9
                  Say what you want, but in mind they (FRO) treat us worse than common criminals. And yes, I understand the need to go after dead beat parents. But that, is a title that does not apply to all of us.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cottagedad View Post
                    Say what you want, but in mind they (FRO) treat us worse than common criminals. And yes, I understand the need to go after dead beat parents. But that, is a title that does not apply to all of us.
                    Fro is just doing what they are suppose to do..follow court orders to collect child support.

                    No one is saying that you are a deadbeat parent, just that you need to either follow the court order or change it. You cannot just change the amount you pay, you need to follow the steps to have the original order changed.


                    • #11
                      I understand. That is why I filed a motion to change in September. The court process is very slow, and now the judge directed us to proceed to trial and not a motion. FRO was kept informed at each step.
                      I cannot rationalize in these situations that they have the power to take away our passport or driver's license, when the common "terrorist" can keep theirs!
                      And FYI I have already paid support on 100,000 this year up until the time I lost my job and the ex makes 300,000.
                      Where is the equity in this???


                      • #12
                        There is no equity.

                        Men don't participate in Men's rights. Women naturally organize into support networks better since us men are busy pi$$ing on each other to show dominance. Hence, no strong mens' rights movement, and notice no Alpha males in the men's rights movement. (Look up CAFE Toronto)

                        Google Evan Delshaw, he has a good video on his youtube channel that explains the logic behind the current child support system.

                        I think that the system really only works in a shared custody situation, and everything else is broken.


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