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Offer to Settle- Access Motion- Thoughts?
Looking for some insight. Trying to put together a settlement offer before my ex tries to proceed to a motion. Backstory: Ex is in...
Access motion and costs
So I recently received a letter from the ex’s lawyer that they are getting a date for case conference to schedule a motion to...
Undue Hardship and High Access Costs
My ex is claiming undue hardship citing high costs pertaining to access. We currently live about 3-4 hours apart in different cities. ...
Covid - Access Issues - Shoe on the other foot
Have read the recent rulings and seen the threads. This is a new wrinkle and looking for insight.
Joint custody. Residency normally is...
Chapter 2; Should have left along time ago
I'm the woman who posted the thread below.
Access driving to and from school
Good Morning All,
More issues with my ex, just wanted some of your opinions on my most recent situation. Those of you who have been kind...
Which forms to complete??
As mentioned in previous posts. I have yet to receive response to my motion for child support. Since he now was 50:50 access I assume he will serve me...
Proecess... What's next?
We have a first appearance next week (Ontario court of Juctice... For a motion to change). To my understanding we will be seeing a law clerk. Would there...
What constitutes status quo?
We have a 16 year old daughter. my daughter was supposed to come home Jan 10th from her dads place. However the ex had convinced our daughter to change...
50/50 access and Child Support
I had put a motion for child support (full disclosure of financials, extra ordinary expenses and requesting for retroactive pay). We have court date...
My daughter is now a teen, Dad wants 50/50 access
About a month and a half ago I had served my daughter's father a motion for support. (disclosure of finances and extraordinary expenses, and requesting...
Consequences of Withholding Access
My ex was arrested and charged several weeks ago. She now has a 'no contact' order, which in effect makes our child exchanges more difficult now because...
I know that child support and access are 2 separate issues, and that even though kiddo's dad chooses not to pay he has every right to spend time with...