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Study shows how child support guidelines punish those who pay support
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostI'm in also. Add SS to this and lets see what we can do.
It is so unfair.
And many OP's, most of them men of course, just sit back and do what they think they need to do without questioning anything...these men need to stand up and give a voice to their feelings. While it may be true that the system will not change overnight, it is okay to stand up for what we believe is just and right.
We need to put our heads together and find out what can be done.
Just a thought, but perhaps....
See if a GOOD Family Law firm thinks there is a chance for some type of class action claim and a rough idea of the money it would take.
THEN, try and publicize a fund raising campaign, perhaps through social media, at least initially. I suspect most payors (typically male) would be more than happy to throw in at least $100 to get the ball rolling.
Another idea would be to try and get a large media outlet (National Post seems to have run some payor sympathetic articles in the past) to take on the cause. Its amazing how much of am impact a large media campaign can have on political action - and how quickly in some cases !
Illustrate the many cases where payors have been made destitute and show the public how there is basically NO accountability that CS be spent on the kids. Let alone insanity such as the case where a truck driver had his license pulled - how can the guy earn money when they take away his livelihood ?
The whole concept of SS is crazy too - maybe a most a few years but not for life !!!! SS should be negotiated at time of marriage in a pre-nup, the default being no agreement = NO SS. If the partner doesn't like it, then don't get married !! Simple as that.
The idea that one person would be a leech/parasite on the hard working spouse, potentially for life, is simply unacceptable. Why do we not have debtors prison EXCEPT for CS. Funny how the "primary parent" can deny access to a child with little to no consequences (have they EVER jailed a primary provider (usually female) for denying access ???). Why is the law only enforced selectively.
I strongly suspect if the majority of Canadians realized how unfair Family Law is there would be a HUGE backlash - many of the laws simply defy common sense let alone fairness.Last edited by shellshocked22; 10-07-2013, 04:36 PM.
There is no harm in making ourselves heard, even if nothing comes out of it in the end...i think that a lot of people would feel better just knowing that their issues and concerns have had a voice, and that there are tons of people out there who feel the exact same way.
Strength in numbers...united we stand, divided we fall.
Shouldn't the government have some sort of mandatory educational course for anyone that gets married put into place? Child support for your own kids should be paid, however if 50/50 custody is granted this does not make sense and should be eliminated. SS should be completely eliminated also as this is a complete joke. I’m pretty sure (could be wrong) that the constitutional rights might be violated?? Sorry but any man/woman should not be responsible to support their ex-spouse for the rest of their life. All in all its wrong!
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostShouldn't the government have some sort of mandatory educational course for anyone that gets married put into place? Child support for your own kids should be paid, however if 50/50 custody is granted this does not make sense and should be eliminated. SS should be completely eliminated also as this is a complete joke. I’m pretty sure (could be wrong) that the constitutional rights might be violated?? Sorry but any man/woman should not be responsible to support their ex-spouse for the rest of their life. All in all its wrong!
If you want to get married, then do some research. Its a contract like buying a house or a car. It has obligations and responsibilities, and they are not that difficult to research especially now.
If it was unconstitutional to have spousal support some rich person would have already taken it to the Supreme court. People go for far more trivial things. Please demonstrate where in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms it says you can't pay spousal support. (or sign up for payday loans at outrageous rates, or any number of other bad things).
Just because it is wrong or unfair, doesn't mean its illegal or unconstitutional.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostI'm sorry, the role of the government should not be to protect you from absolutely everything that could possibly go wrong.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostIf you want to get married, then do some research. It’s a contract like buying a house or a car. It has obligations and responsibilities, and they are not that difficult to research especially now.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostIf it was unconstitutional to have spousal support some rich person would have already taken it to the Supreme court. People go for far more trivial things. Please demonstrate where in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms it says you can't pay spousal support. (or sign up for payday loans at outrageous rates, or any number of other bad things).
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostJust because it is wrong or unfair, doesn't mean it’s illegal or unconstitutional.
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostTrue but marriage is one thing that is dictated to you after the fact.
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostAnd both if not all have someone explain your options, responsibilities, and make sure you qualify. Can’t drive a car without insurance and the bank requests this on a mortgage for a home…. Should need marriage insurance? I don’t need to research this.
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostI’d like to see where this is a requirement either way and the government enforces payment on the individual? Any of these bad things do not consist of a lifetime of suffering by many of the members on here.
Originally posted by Livinthedream View PostThe entire family law system is a complete joke and needs a complete overhaul. For one when a lawyer can accept both male and female its completely wrong.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostHow is marriage dictated to you after the fact? You can find out before you pop the question. Don't blame the government because you didn't. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostYou can buy a car without insurance, you just can't have the dealer plate it for you without proof of insurance. But no one goes through everything line by line, they expect you to read the contract for yourself.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostYou chose to get married. The government did not force you to marry. You are responsible for understanding the terms of the marriage contract.
Originally posted by DowntroddenDad View PostNot sure what you mean by that? Are you suggesting that a lawyer can represent both parties to a divorce? Or that we segregate lawyers into those who support men and those whose clients are women, because that doesn't work either.