Okay -- that does seem a bit "much" (understatement of the year!). How can you be ordered to pay more than you can afford and not have enough to live from? Perhaps the Judge's head started reeling from the figures at that point... Don't know how to explain it....and don't understand it either, but I feel for you.
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Study shows how child support guidelines punish those who pay support
Originally posted by Epona View PostOkay -- that does seem a bit "much" (understatement of the year!). How can you be ordered to pay more than you can afford and not have enough to live from? Perhaps the Judge's head started reeling from the figures at that point... Don't know how to explain it....and don't understand it either, but I feel for you.
Here's the kicker: I HAVEN'T been ordered to pay anything. I've been doing it completely voluntarily for nearly a year now, on the advice of my lawyer. I have no court order, no separation agreement.
However now that I have a court date, I am hopeful that my "good behaviour" will be rewarded with a reasonable end-date on my spousal support, and perhaps paying the minimum amount instead of the median or maximum. I can't honestly have a life of my own at all until the situation changes.
Thanks for your reply!
Originally posted by winterwolf7 View PostHere's the kicker: I HAVEN'T been ordered to pay anything. I've been doing it completely voluntarily for nearly a year now, on the advice of my lawyer. I have no court order, no separation agreement.
However now that I have a court date, I am hopeful that my "good behaviour" will be rewarded with a reasonable end-date on my spousal support, and perhaps paying the minimum amount instead of the median or maximum. I can't honestly have a life of my own at all until the situation changes.
Thanks for your reply!
Well, among other things, I've since learned that lawyers usually SUCK at applying the spousal guidelines successfully.
Mine didn't attribute UCB or any income at all to my ex, and secondly she didn't exclude the $180 per month I continue to pay for family health and dental insurance. Exclude both of those and I would be doing slightly better.
As for how I'm affording my lawyer? My line of credit ran out after 3 months. Now my lawyer is working off the equity in my home with a signed agreement with her firm that they get the money when it is finally released from trust. Not pretty, that's my future going down the toilet, but right now I have zero anyways, and no way to get it out of trust, so I don't really have much to lose.
Father paying Child Support and Extra's per Guidelines for 2 kids (making 60k)
Single mother recieving child support and extras for 2 kids (making 20K)
gross income 60000 20000
tax 26% 15%
monthly deductions (CPP, EI etc.) 800 300
net income 34,800 13,400
child support (904/month @60K) 23,952 24,248
"extra-ordinary expenses" (150/month @75%/25% split)
112.5/month 22,602 23,798
CCTB 0 7524
GST Rebate 0 837
Income Tax Credits (for supporting 1st kids) approximately 0 3000
Tax Benefits (for supporting 1st kids) 0 approximately 1000
Total Income 22,602 36,159
Father goes from 60K to 23K, still has to provide home, room, bigger car etc.
Mother goes from 20K to 36K
The numbers speak for themselves.Last edited by got2bkid; 06-24-2011, 05:40 PM.
Originally posted by got2bkid View PostFather paying Child Support and Extra's per Guidelines for 2 kids Single mother recieving child support and extras for 2 kids
gross income 60000 20000
tax 26% 15%
monthly deductions (CPP, EI etc.) 800 300
net income 34,800 13,400
child support (904/month @60K) 23,952 24,248
"extra-ordinary expenses" (150/month @75%/25% split) 112.5/month 22,602 23,798
CCTB 0 627/month 7524
UCCB 0 0
GST Rebate 0 837
Income Tax Credits (for supporting 1st kids) 0 approximately 3000
Tax Benefits (for supporting 1st kids) 0 approximately 1000
Total Income 22,602 36,159
Point is
father goes from 60K to 23K
Mother goes from 20K to 36K
Kids have to live in poverty while at dads, even though he works hard and earns a decent income. The guidelines are unfair to the payor and unjustly en-rich the recipient.
Studies show that NCP's have almost identical fixed costs as CP's, minus food.
Originally posted by got2bkid View PostPoint is
father goes from 60K to 23K
Mother goes from 20K to 36K
Kids have to live in poverty while at dads, even though he works hard and earns a decent income. The guidelines are unfair to the payor and unjustly en-rich the recipient.
Studies show that NCP's have almost identical fixed costs as CP's, minus food.
You are preaching to the choir my friend. SING IT LOUD!
There seems to be a lot wrong with the system ...... and a lot wrong with parents who are just looking for the money. It seems to me that when two people break up the expenses incurred are greater than they were before - perhaps that is logic, but so many people miss that ........ then, there is the let's not wait until we each get on our feet - let's just try to drain the other person by taking them back and forth to court for stupid reasons - then, let's try and get a lot of money for the kids (when reall the money is going to the parent and there is no accountability - especially when there is shared custody) let me put my child in the most expensive sport and expect the other parent to pay for it ....... what? the other parent does not want to pay for a sport the child has been put into without any conversation from the ex ..... or, maybe we should put them in piano, trumpet, violin and any other musical instrument and expect the other parent to pay for it when they don't even have the decency to have a conversation with that person .... this is not really about giving our children what they need to have - yes, music and sports are necessary, but I would say that if we polled our children what they would want over and above the olympic riding schools, the musical instruments and the expensive skating lessons - would be for the parents to have a decent conversation and agree on one thing to participate in and for the parents to actually act like respectful ADULTS - it is not about a standard of living - it is about a respectful way of interaction.If you have that - you will have a standard of living.
Originally posted by Mess View PostThe system doesn't fuck people over, people fuck people over. You lose your housing and credit cards because you fuck up your own finances through thoughtless decisions. In some cases an ex can make life hell but that is the ex, not the system, and they can do it through the criminal courts with fake assault claims, or civil courts with fraudulent claims just as easily.
I'm outraged by the violation of rational thought by people who blame everyone but themselves for the things that go wrong with their lives.
You think I chose to ruin my god damn credit rating? You think this was poor financial management on my part?
Wrong, This was a decision forced on my by the courts when they awarded my ex SS + CS + Section 7 totaling 60%+ my salary. Surprise surprise, she managed to exploit the system.
I know how to manage my finances thank you very much, but you cant get blood from a god damn stone. Its simple fucking mathamatics.
I would love to see how your finances would do if you were paying your ex 60%+ of your NET salary.
Oh let me guess. Your solution will be to go back to court and try to get a fairer settlement? Well sorry to say my credit is shit, and I cant afford another retainer. All my money goes to the ex so she can build up a nice slush fund for her trips, fake nails, hair coloring, and date nights.
You say "In some cases an ex can make life hell but that is the ex, not the system" well who do you think awards them all this horseshit. The system thats who. It certainly wasnt me sitting at the table in court saying, "yes judge, I would love nothing more than to live in poverty, eating a can of greenbeans for dinner so I will have some food for my children when they come to stay every Wednesday, EOW plus holidays"
Reading this aggrovating thread certainly shows who won the coin tosses in their seperations/custody cases.
Have some respect/knowledge/understanding for those on the other side of the fence before you drop horseshit like what you wrote above.
I am on both sides of the fence.
I have a son that I have full custody of. My ex and I never went to court. We agreed on a support amount and he's been paying it for the last 15 years. The amount is very small ($250/month). I make a very decent wage and have never felt that it was right to break him when I was able to get by. He has 2 other children to support as well. I do however, feel it is important that he contribute something.
I also have 2 daughters that I share custody of with my ex. He feels he should take me for every penny he possibly can. While he makes a decent wage and could easily support the girls during his weeks, he also can't budget to save his life and wastes tonnes of money on nothingness. I pay my support (without an order) but it is never enough and I am constantly being harassed for more and being called a dead-beat mom.
Not all crazy ex's are female. Some of them are male.
I found out recently that because the guidelines were not designed to accommodate shared parenting arrangements I may get dinged for even more money (we are currently using the offset method).
Dear 'cashcow4ex',
I have noticed that I am getting some 'angry' responses to my situation. That just tells me that those people are obviously not in the same shoes and don't really get how the system really works. Some open-mindedness and respect would indeed be helpful, especially to people who are doing the right thing and following all the 'rules' as set out by the 'system'.