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Documentary: The Problem with Family Court Judges and Lawyers

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  • #1
    Oh look, you're back promoting your hatred towards Ms. Yates. Guess you got over that fear you had over be held liable for things you posted against her on that other site.

    You are pitiful and have too much time on your hands. Perhaps if you had devoted as much time and effort to your marriage and divorce you wouldn't have ended up in the situation you're in.

    Have a great day!


    • #2
      I'm a single CP mother. My ex filed a fraud bankruptcy and fucked me over royally. Is there a documentary I can appear in for that? A march perhaps up and down University Avenue, a petition, a sit in, anything??? Somehow, I doubt it. Does the O.S.B., care? Nope. Do the Bankruptcy Courts care? Nope. In fact, FRAUD in bankruptcy is perfectly acceptable here. Trustees are mostly crooks, and did you know that a person can remain undischarged, in Bankruptcy forever if they so choose? Oh yes. And all while spending loads of money, ripping everyone off, and driving expensive cars. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only *WOMAN* who this has happened to. Good Luck with your docuentary. It's a free country. And one more thing: there is NO way your Lorna Y is going to be disbarred. Keep the dream alive.


      • #3
        Sorry: you have a vagina, no support for you!


        • #4

          Its so obvious to me why you've had issues in court and it has nothing to do with any lawyer or judge.

          If I were Ms. Yates, I'd have you up on charges by now. And if this is how you treated your ex, I'm glad she managed to struggle free of you.

          You have serious issues.


          • #5
            If a documentary were to be made it would have to be based on how the children are affected in all this. We need to get past the gender bashing or nobody will take you seriously.
            In my opinion yes I think Women get better treatment, but I think the biggest issue facing people is that you have people who can get legal aid and have all the time in the world to be fighting, and you have people who have alot of money and can afford a high priced lawyer to fight for them. Then you have all the people in the middle who cannot get legal aid and cannot afford a lawyer, they are trying to maintain working and learning everything they can about the law at the same time. They are pushed to the brink because they are looked down on by judges, and their employers are not happy with all the time they have to take off to go to court. These are the people, regardless of gender who need the most help.


            • #6
              resourceful: Your post was well written but your one sided (male centric) view takes away from your post.

              I think family law is a poor example of what we are capable of as humans when it comes to having a just and fair society.

              The main problem is that divorce is handled the same as other court actions - adversarial. Despite ethics codes etc, lawyers do engage in dishonest and unfortunate actions on behalf of their often vengeful clients that if not defended results in injustice.

              So someone that is not capable of defending themselves, either through their own short comings, or that of their chosen lawyer, injustice can and does happen.

              For something as important to the fabric of our society as marriage and kids, this is truly wrong. A better system is needed. One that does punish those that are dishonest and vengeful, one that is blind to gender.

              Gender does play a role, but it is not as significant as the role of dishonest and vengeful acts that are not effectively dealt with. This coupled with a system that intentionally creates conflict by requiring former partners to fight to see who 'wins', is a sad thing that only those who have gone through it are aware of.

              I have only been to a case conference, and that in my opinion was gender neutral and was extremely fair. However, had I not been prepared to defend myself effectively with copious facts and documents and well written briefs against my ex's unsubstantiated claims, things may have not gone that way.

              That would have had me claiming the system was unfair, which would be true to some extent.

              However, if one properly defends oneself, with full vigor and competency, I think the system works - the problem is that many an not capable of this, and that should not be a reason for injustice.
              Last edited by billm; 07-05-2012, 11:37 AM.


              • #7
                Agree w/Billm. (1st sentence specifically). Yeah blink. Damn vagina thing. Lol


                • #8
                  Originally posted by resourceful View Post
                  Lorna Yates and judges like Craig Perkins (who in my opinion is ruthlessly corrupt) feature prominently in my book and documentary. If you have your own stories about corrupt lawyers and judges that you want to tell please write me at
                  Is your "book" and/or "documentary" going to be released under a free and open public license for reprint and reuse?

                  Say under a "Creative Commons" license?

                  Creative Commons


                  • #9
                    Originally posted by resourceful View Post
                    blinkandimgone said: your hatred towards Ms. Yates

                    I have no hatred towards Lorna Yates. You don't have to hate a criminal, a murderer or a thief for example, to want them to do time for the crime. You just have to believe that people should be held accountable for their actions in a just society.
                    Where is the book? Feel free to post a draft for release somewhere on the internet. We are all awaiting your wisdom to be shared with the world.


                    • #10
                      **grabbing the popcorn**

                      This is hilarious!!


                      • #11
                        Oooh...another book!

                        He should title it: 50 Shades of BullS#*t.


                        • #12
                          I'm happy you're willing to be controversial with this. When I'm at my worst sometimes I think along the lines you're describing, but I generally consider it a bad day and try to snap out of it.

                          I do agree with the general idea that upon divorce the spouse with lesser income suddenly wields 80% of the power and gets 80% of the money while the person with a career is rendered helpless and unable to affect their circumstances no matter the cause for the breakdown. Nothing in my experience has shown me anything else. When my divorce was initiated by my former spouse, my first thought was that 50/50 split on finances sucks but is fair.

                          I then proceeded to watch her manipulate the system and me to make it into 75/25 in her favour while not even having to pay legal bills. And she still plays the victim card every day.


                          • #13
                            I have personally heard many single mother justify their denial of access by saying "children need mothers more".
                            Who cares what you've personally heard?

                            Women fight in hard in court for access to their children as men do. I'm a prime example of that.

                            Child Support
                            Women pay it too. I pay support based on my income.
                            Spousal Abuse
                            Yet if a woman has sex with another man the husband likely won't be able to get a restraining order to stop her from doing it in his home or to put her out of the house. If he comes home, finds another man in his bed and loses his temper she can get a restraining order to put HIM out.
                            Same exact thing is true with gender's switched.
                            Denial of Access
                            Women can by and large deny court ordered access without penalty.
                            Uh, no they can't.
                            Reproductive Rights
                            You have the right not to have sex. There is no perfect form of birth control. Anytime you have sex, it can result in a pregnancy. Welcome to high school health class.
                            A mother can give a father’s child away for adoption and waive the father’s legal rights so he will never be able to even meet the child.
                            Absolute lie. It is always advised that women putting their children up for adoption advise the father because they have parental rights. Complete bs.
                            Spousal Support
                            If the husband worked hard so the wife didn’t have to work he will have to pay alimony.
                            Spousal support is not gender specific. The number of women paying it is on the rise due to the change in gender roles.

                            Nothing you said is anything more than gender-baiting. And believe me, its been done're wasting your time.

                            You went to court. You probably didn't do very well...and you're full of hatred and bitterness towards women. And particuarly towards those people that you feel wronged you.

                            You are having a hard time accepting that you probably lost because of exactly your attitude here. It smacks of a controlling, non-compromising, win or lose mentality of a person who cannot accept that he is not RIGHT.

                            You need to leave your ex alone, leave her lawyer alone, leave the judge alone and concentrate on finding acceptance and letting go of your hate.

                            I don't buy anything you're saying...and frankly, neither do most of the people here.

                            Your arguments are one-sided, fallicious and highly motive-driven.

                            The only attitude that needs to yours.


                            • #14
                              I know personally a few fathers who have learned what they need to and had the ability to fight properly and they got ahead. The problem being is that not all of us have that ability while trying to hold down a job.
                              I am not saying that there is no gender Bias, there is but it may be exagerated because sometimes while the father was working and not making a huge amount of money, the mother can get legal representation and has all the time in the world to fight to make his life terrible. I have also seen though where a woman is trying very hard to work and get ahead in life but her unemployed ex who has a legal aid lawyer and all the time in the world screws her as well.
                              If we keep saying that we are a victim people will stop listening. We need to point out that the children are the victim of our court system. Nobody cares about mens issues but we are making headway showing that the system is hurting children.
                              Children need both parents, and neither parent should be a visitor to their children. They will grow and develop much better and be much more rounded if they can know Mom and Dad.
                              Resourceful, nobody will listen to you complain that the family court system chewed you up and spit you out. But they may listen to you saying that your children are suffering because of the system.


                              • #15
                                Originally posted by Pursuinghappiness View Post

                                Nothing you said is anything more than gender-baiting.

                                If I did what I thought you wrote I would not be in this mess... humour, gets me through pretty well every day of my life.


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