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  • Mess
    Since I'm sure there are members and lurkers who enjoy going to the church of their choice and benefit from it, I will be serious for a moment.

    I have a friend who lives in the States and was raised in a Baptist church and ended up in a very abusive marriage. Her husband was domineering and controling, and this attitude was in line with church teaching of the role of women in marriage, and he made the most of it. He insisted that they go to their pastor for marriage counselling and the pastor tried to guilt the wife into remaining in the marriage and fulfilling her role in accordance with God's will.

    This is just one bad example, and I'm sure there are any number of possible good examples of churches helping people. But my issue with the original post here from Deut is that it was a blanket assumption about churches and the bible. Abuse and oppression is widespread through all Christian religions and all abusers within the religions seem to find justification in passages within the bible. There is nothing intrinsic within Christian religion or the bible or the priesthood that makes them any better source of help or advice than you would get from a random stranger. There are some good random people, including Christians and preachers, and the bad random ones. The advice to turn to a church is not helpful, to my experience and reasoning.

    So to Deut, I have logical factual reasons to support my beliefs. All you did was make a blanket assertion without support of reason, facts or with any qualification. So I responded in kind. I gave you back what you gave me. And you reacted by playing the victim. Poor Christians, always oppressed.

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  • KeepSmiling
    I can't type ..... crying ....... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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  • Mess
    Originally posted by KeepSmiling View Post
    I am wondering though ... where in the Bible does it counsel on living between two homes?

    I am sure it gives some advice for living in deserts or perhaps on sides of mountains ...

    I may need a little more direction
    I don't know. I keep getting to the part where you are supposed to capture a woman from a neighbouring tribe and shave her head and keep her captive for a month and then I start playing with myself....

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  • KeepSmiling
    I wonder if the Missionaries told the Indians that they were "SPAM" when they arrived here too?

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  • KeepSmiling
    I am wondering though ... where in the Bible does it counsel on living between two homes?

    I am sure it gives some advice for living in deserts or perhaps on sides of mountains ...

    I may need a little more direction

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  • KeepSmiling
    ... bad boy .....

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  • dadtotheend

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  • blinkandimgone
    LMAO - no kidding DF!

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  • dinkyface

    Your writing Skills don't suggest a Very high Level of Education. Attrition perhaps?

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  • blinkandimgone
    It's a public message board. It's not harassment because you don't agree with what others say. It's called opinions, they're like assholes - everyone has one. Public message boards are designed specifically for people to express them.

    Foisting religion on someone - any religion - without an invitation to the topic is disrepectful and, quite frankly, downright rude. Furthermore, that you choose to judge someone(s) based on your own personal opinion of them is typically a sign of a pick and choose church go-er (you pick and choose which parts apply to you) or poor religious teachings (did they forget to tell you that judgement is His job and not yours?). Walk the talk before you try to sell your religion to anyone else, lest you become a poor representation.
    Last edited by blinkandimgone; 02-04-2011, 07:54 PM. Reason: stray apostrophe

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  • Deut7
    Boy I guess Dad to the End has the same problem as both Abusive as hell. I have given some very good advise as I have some experience that non of you even understand and yet you find that being Abusive is intelligent.

    Well your intelligence shows...It is quite apparent that neither of you has much education or you would not find it necessary to talk to me the way you do. You also apparently do not feel very good about yourself as men who do what you both have done, trying to bring me down to your level...Sorry I have to much intelligence and Dignity to fall into a Trap such as you are trying to set. I will be sure to share with many who I thought could be helped by this page that they should not. That the Sr.Members...through attrition I am sure are completely abusive, bitter men who deserve to be given Anger Management lessons as they are not worth anything further.

    I will see what I can do to insure that you are dealt with appropriately.

    Dadtotheend you are not worth me wasting my valuable time on. You are hereby considered SPAM.
    Any further contact will be considered harassment.

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  • dadtotheend

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  • Deut7
    Yes the Ministry of the Attorney General does have some good books for children have difficulty with Divorce, Separation etc. But you that put down the Religious aspect and say bahhhhhhhhh, show dis respect. I am merely attempting to show assistance to another human being who is having trouble. If you show dis respect it is because you do not bear enough respect for yourself.

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  • blinkandimgone
    Originally posted by Deut7 View Post
    Why not try the Bible and a good Minister. He or she may be able to give your child the best information to work with. You can usually depend upon them much better than anyone else to tell the truth.
    Religion is a very personal choice, and should stay that way.

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  • Motorizer
    Originally posted by Mess View Post
    Fixed this for you.


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