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Medicals (flu shot)
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I don't believe in the yearly flu shot. They can't possibly fight against all flu viruses and most time they are produced from last years virus. My child is still very young and I would want her little body to be able to fight it naturally. Just my opinion...
Honestly, I think it's just a money grab from drug companies.
Originally posted by iceberg View PostHer reasons are not valid, basically she thinks there is immediate and potential harm from it.
Of course health care professionals are going to recommend it. Ice, do you get the shot yearly? Do you know what type of synthetic materials are used in these vaccines?
Im not saying to not do it but do your research and don't just think your ex is doing this because of spite. Honor her opinion. As you said you have been getting along on all other issues. Keep it going that way. See what are your options, do more research before jumping the gun.
Hypothetical question: What if you get the vaccine, and dont tell her. Then she goes ahead and does the same cause she thought differently and doesn't tell you? Flu clinics for example probably wouldn't have up to date who did and who didn't get vaccined.... just a thought....Last edited by tugofwar; 10-27-2010, 09:36 PM.
What was the standard in the past? If he always got the flu shot before then perhaps continue with the same standards and het the shot. If he's never had it before then perhaps forgoe it for this year.
It's a very personal choice and a tough one to make already, much less when they disagree.
We always got them religiously for our whole family every year since the children were old enough to have it. Last year I decided we would skip it, even with the new swine flu going on. This past year is the first time we have not all come down with horrible colds and flu, we've decided against getting it again this year. BUt that's simply our choice and we feel it's right for us, and not neccessarily the right to choice for everyone.
The flu shot might be more recommended to certain people, ages and their general health. If a person is healthy and body responds pretty good to fighting these viruses, then let your body do the fighting. But those with weak health conditions should consider it.
I got it one year, it was pretty much mandatory for my health field and was the sickest after it wore off in spring for a whole week!
This is such a hot topic and many people have their own opinions on it. Personally, I do not get it for my family. My kids are young and healthy and able to fight off viruses or recover from ones they get. The flu shot was designed for people who already have health issues. IMO, The side effects that can occour from the shots could be tragic, much worse than getting the flu.
You should carefully research this on your own from both sides of the fence before you pursue anything further with the mom.
Is there any agreement yet as to who makes medical decisions?
Good luck!
I have 50/50 shared child custody
Originally posted by standing on the sidelines View Postlook at it this way, you get it for the child and something happens.
IMO, if they can't agree right now then they should go with status quo - what has been done in past years? If the child was or wasn't getting it in the past then why change that now?
Originally posted by logicalvelocity View PostYes, Blink, I see your view. If they, the parent's, cannot come to terms concerning the issue, and by veto, one undermines the other parent, somewhat suggests 50/50 shared custody arrangement is not working out.
I had to go to court about this. My ex refused, then eventually gave permission 6 weeks later. But it still meant going to court because we could not agreed and he was not considering what was best for our daughter (she needed the H1N1 as she was having surgery)
Not agreeing on vaccines is NOT enought to change custody. Believe me, I know, and my arguments were a lot more than just this one instance. Put your thoughts in writing, send her an email with links to the information. Make sure your decision is clear, but don't act on it unless she agrees.
If you feel it's that important that the child receive a flu shot, by all means go ahead, BUT be prepared for the backlash afterwards from the child's other parent.
Personally, I don't believe in flu shots. In over 50 years on this planet I have never had any sort of flu nor have I had a flu shot (which only protects against up to three flu varieties, not all of them). Neither of the children I'm mother of (14 years and 9 years) have had flu shots and (so far) neither of them has had flu. They've had all their other shots.
If the child is healthy with a robust immune system, s/he will most likely be perfectly okay without a flu shot. Of course doctors will recommend a flu shot -- it's easy $$$$$. For seniors and those with compromised immune systems and those who deal with the public a lot, then yes, a flu shot is a good idea (but no guarantee that you won't get flu).
Originally posted by iceberg View PostI consulted with a couple of professionals and they said it is highly recommended that the child gets the flu shot.
We cannot go to court for this matter. Do I have the right to go ahead and give our child the flu shot despite that the ex is against it?
...and nothing to do with this forum, but before you take her to be poked, do a little online research (from reliable sourses) first... you may be surprised at what you find out.... and it's one thing to ask a doc what they think, but another to ask if THEIR CHILDREN AND PARENTS get the shot. I asked my family doctor that question, he definately skirted around the answer saying something like, well what i choose should not effect your choice...
Anyway... hard call if you both believe totally opposite things.
I do know that if she has sole custody, then you CAN'T get her immunized. I hope your outcome is one that doesn't upset you too much.