Oy. :: roll eyes ::
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Q? for other parents about childcare
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Originally posted by Nadia View PostWhat I can't work out is how someone who has control issues (has to have the last word for example) can sit high and mighty and accuse others of being so controlling?
Originally posted by Nadia View PostSo you actually prefer not to have him in the kids lives, because "things are very calm and settled and that's the way I like it be" Your words not mine.
Originally posted by Nadia View PostWhat I can't work out is how someone who has control issues (has to have the last word for example) can sit high and mighty and accuse others of being so controlling?
Your children are 11 and 14, they are old enough to stay home alone as long as they are mature enough and there is someone nearby in case of emergency (like a neighbor or relative).
I would put your eldest though babysitting course (they run them through the Red Cross) or something like that and make sure you plan activities for the kids during the day. My step daughter got her babysitting certification at 13 from the Red Cross has been caring for children ever since.
As mentioned above, the boys and girls club is amazing. I spent every waking moment at one of these clubs when I was young.
I'm sure by now you know how they are on their own, so you need to use your best judgement.
Thanks Pharah. Unfortunately the closest boys and girls club is about an hour away and the programs end long before I finish work for the day so we couldn't go that route.
Both of my kids have different challenges that prevent them from being left home alone. My youngest would like to take a babysitting course however she just isn't old enough yet and she's having a hard time accepting that since her medical condition requires her to have an adult present pretty much all the time that it will be a very long time before she's able to watch anyone else's kids or stay home alone.
A challenge for sure but we're managing once again and I have my fingers crossed that the work I'm doing this year will put me in a much better position for next year so we won't even have to worry about it at all!
LOL, yeah, that too! Sometimes it makes even running to the store for milk a challenge. You'd be amazed at some of the explanations I get over the situations they get into (cause??) in even a very short time. Love them dearly and all but they sure are starting to make my greys fill in nicely!
Hello- One thing you might want to look into for both your children is Cadets. It is free for them to join. In the summer they attend camp which is also no cost to you. My children are around the same age as your and love it! My oldest does have a learning disability and since starting Cadets her self esteem has imporved as well as her grades.