4 weeks ago my 16 year old daughter called me and askedme ifshe can move in with me permanently. I picked her up the following day after school, drove her to her mother's house and she moved all her belongings from the house.
She now lives with me.
Over the coarse of the last couple of weeks my daughter has told us some pretty scary stories about the physical and mental abuse she had been subjected too over the past few years. Not only by her mother, but also her mother's boyfriend (non live-in)
I am currently unemployed and I have an emergency motion in a couple days claiming financial hardship, as the mother will not acknowledge my daughter living with me and feels she is still entitled to child support.
My daughter on her own, wrote a letter saying that under no circumstances will she ever live with her mother again outlining some reasons especially the abuse. I took her to a lawyer friend and it was notorized.Also note that there is no spousal support as we were never married nor lived together for any period of time. I have been very active in my 16 year olds life until a couple years ago when her mother refused to let her visit or talk to me.We also had a son together who is 18 and has also been living with me for over 3 years.
We have contacted FACS, Police etc...and an investigation has started.
In the meantime I am very happily married with two very young children.That makes a total of four kids now for my wife and I. There is a lot of love in our house. Can't say the same about money.
My unemployment has been garnished 50%.
Has anyone gone through this or have any advice when I go before the Judge this week with the motion of financial hardship and asking them to stop garnishing my unemployment.
I have already prepared all the forms fo the next motion for variance, custody acknowledgement, and now ongoing support from the mother!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
She now lives with me.
Over the coarse of the last couple of weeks my daughter has told us some pretty scary stories about the physical and mental abuse she had been subjected too over the past few years. Not only by her mother, but also her mother's boyfriend (non live-in)
I am currently unemployed and I have an emergency motion in a couple days claiming financial hardship, as the mother will not acknowledge my daughter living with me and feels she is still entitled to child support.
My daughter on her own, wrote a letter saying that under no circumstances will she ever live with her mother again outlining some reasons especially the abuse. I took her to a lawyer friend and it was notorized.Also note that there is no spousal support as we were never married nor lived together for any period of time. I have been very active in my 16 year olds life until a couple years ago when her mother refused to let her visit or talk to me.We also had a son together who is 18 and has also been living with me for over 3 years.
We have contacted FACS, Police etc...and an investigation has started.
In the meantime I am very happily married with two very young children.That makes a total of four kids now for my wife and I. There is a lot of love in our house. Can't say the same about money.
My unemployment has been garnished 50%.
Has anyone gone through this or have any advice when I go before the Judge this week with the motion of financial hardship and asking them to stop garnishing my unemployment.
I have already prepared all the forms fo the next motion for variance, custody acknowledgement, and now ongoing support from the mother!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated