I am the father of a 3 1/2 year old girl. I am having an issue because my ex has my daughter most of the time,I just have her every 2nd weekend. My daughter is very behind on her speech and potty training and it is concerning because my ex does not address any of these issues. There is only so much time on the weekend to work on potty training and speech so it makes it very hard. Whatever progress we make on the weekend gets reversed during the 2 weeks. I am worried because she has made very little progress since she was 2 years old. Her doctor has made a recomendation for speech therapy but my ex keeps denying any problem so she will not address the situation. Today was the second time in a row that she poops in the bathtub. She does not show any signs of even wanting to potty train or any signs of knowing she is going to the bathroom. We have tried many things but its seems that nothing makes a differance because her mom doesn't want to do anything.Her mom is at home all day with her boyfriend and so the kids(he has a 3 year old as well) should be doing well with 2 parents around all the time. My little girl says that her sister poops in the bath with her dad so she can poop in the tub at my place. I am worried that she will not be ready for school and feel so helpless because her mom is not parenting her,they never play outside at her moms or do anything. All they eat is McDonalds and kraft dinner. When I try and say that she is behind to my ex she just says she is more advanced than most 3 year olds and maybe I am doing something wrong at my house.My girlfriend who is very close to my daughter also works in a daycare as an ECE with children her age every day. We know she is very behind and its scary because even though we have Joint custody there is nothing I can do if she is lying to me. I believe that they do not want the children to be able to go to school as the other little girl is not potty trained and is still in a crib. My daughter has told me things like she can only love me when mommys not around because mommy tells her not to love me,and alot of stuff like this. I think that maybe the breakup has taken its toll on her emotionally as her mom has gone down a very bad path since our breakup. She is back doing drugs and drinking but its so hard to prove,her boyfriend is more that twice her age and neither of them work. What is one to do when I can't afford a lawyer and can't get legal aid.I will get fired if I take to much time off work and she gets legal aid and has all the time in the world to fight in court. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want her to be so far behind and am worried that if I am the one potty training her and teaching her stuff she is going to see me as a mean person because we have to have her learn this stuff. I am easy going with it and have tried many things but her mom even refuses to tell me the techniques they use at home so we can synchronize it to make it easiest. She won't tell me anything about speech techniques or even what books my daughter likes. Its scary the things that come out of a 3 year olds mouth. Any help would be really great. Thank you.
I am the father of a 3 1/2 year old girl. I am having an issue because my ex has my daughter most of the time,I just have her every 2nd weekend. My daughter is very behind on her speech and potty training and it is concerning because my ex does not address any of these issues. There is only so much time on the weekend to work on potty training and speech so it makes it very hard. Whatever progress we make on the weekend gets reversed during the 2 weeks. I am worried because she has made very little progress since she was 2 years old. Her doctor has made a recomendation for speech therapy but my ex keeps denying any problem so she will not address the situation. Today was the second time in a row that she poops in the bathtub. She does not show any signs of even wanting to potty train or any signs of knowing she is going to the bathroom. We have tried many things but its seems that nothing makes a differance because her mom doesn't want to do anything.Her mom is at home all day with her boyfriend and so the kids(he has a 3 year old as well) should be doing well with 2 parents around all the time. My little girl says that her sister poops in the bath with her dad so she can poop in the tub at my place. I am worried that she will not be ready for school and feel so helpless because her mom is not parenting her,they never play outside at her moms or do anything. All they eat is McDonalds and kraft dinner. When I try and say that she is behind to my ex she just says she is more advanced than most 3 year olds and maybe I am doing something wrong at my house.My girlfriend who is very close to my daughter also works in a daycare as an ECE with children her age every day. We know she is very behind and its scary because even though we have Joint custody there is nothing I can do if she is lying to me. I believe that they do not want the children to be able to go to school as the other little girl is not potty trained and is still in a crib. My daughter has told me things like she can only love me when mommys not around because mommy tells her not to love me,and alot of stuff like this. I think that maybe the breakup has taken its toll on her emotionally as her mom has gone down a very bad path since our breakup. She is back doing drugs and drinking but its so hard to prove,her boyfriend is more that twice her age and neither of them work. What is one to do when I can't afford a lawyer and can't get legal aid.I will get fired if I take to much time off work and she gets legal aid and has all the time in the world to fight in court. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want her to be so far behind and am worried that if I am the one potty training her and teaching her stuff she is going to see me as a mean person because we have to have her learn this stuff. I am easy going with it and have tried many things but her mom even refuses to tell me the techniques they use at home so we can synchronize it to make it easiest. She won't tell me anything about speech techniques or even what books my daughter likes. Its scary the things that come out of a 3 year olds mouth. Any help would be really great. Thank you.