I have tried the internet, and the links for this area are dead. I talked to my counselor and she is looking into it as well. I guess I would be up for both types of groups. I know this is a good place, but I think a regular meeting might help me out.
Those links that you refer to as dead links, were dead 12 years ago and are still there today. It's a tragedy that no one has bothered to take them down.
I have tried the internet, and the links for this area are dead. I talked to my counselor and she is looking into it as well. I guess I would be up for both types of groups. I know this is a good place, but I think a regular meeting might help me out.
We tried to start a men's support group in East Toronto/Markham area but no one war serious to attend. The tragedy with men is that they are not united otherwise the atmosphere is very favourable for a change right now.
Another men's group is organized by a para-legal clerk in downtown Toronto. He offers free semi-legal advice meetings in Toronto and Hamilton. His website is www.fathers-resources.com. (But this is not support group) I would go to the meeting but not sign up with him or pay him any retainer as he is only there to rob helpless fathers who would cling on to anyone who gives them hope. (But his free advice is actually very good).
Thanks farooq, that is what I was trying to post. I also read that book and it is very good. I just thank god that I never went before that Judge as I have heard he is pretty tough.
First post here... does this group meet face to face?
I've been in Ottawa four years, separated two (divorce pending) and I have a six year old daughter. Because I don't know any other fathers with daughters the age of my own, I am lacking anyone to discuss parenting issues locally and would like to change that.
ProudPapa - Some ideas: go to the park and get to know the parents there; get involved with your local drop-in childrens center (if you have one); My friend does this (NCP dad), and gets lots of help/advice/support from both mums and dads.