I would like any help possible with my current situation. I have found out that a previous court order for custody of my son was dismissed in 2007, I had moved address and obviously did not receive this paper. My ex has changed her phone number and has threatned me before that if I were to go to the house she would call the police. As it stands right now there is no court order I want to go see my son. I have emailed her many times providing her with a number for my son to call me and she has not replied nor have I heard from my son. I am worried she may have left with him or just wants me to go away . I did call the police and asked for an escort to the home to make sure that I get to see that my son is okay and provide him with a number to reach me they informed me that I am to go to the station and wait till I hopefully get an officer that isnt busy not guarentees. He is 7, I am in the process of filling out court papers and it takes forever. I really need to know that my son is okay and that he knows that I have not abonded him or forgotten him I dont know what she is telling him. any advice and if there is no court agreement can she stop me from seeing him... I dont know what to do.
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I want to see my son
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It was a year ago then she stopped it all, she said I couldnt see him anymore but she allowed me phone contact everytime I would ask if I could see him she would say we will say or maybe next week always leaving me hoping I did not and still do not want to cause any trauma to my child I know he misses me she cut off phone contact about 3 weeks ago and the last converstaion with him was him asking for my number and she hung up the phone the next day the number was now changed and private , I did try calling back that night several times and no answer, through the course of the years there have been several other incidents of the same matter. I couldnt afford a lawyer then and I still cant am doing all the paper work myself. The reasonI did not do this sooner was for one I had signed a paper stating she have full residental custody and I have access which stated.. The respondent shall have access to the said child as follows:
reasonble weekday home visits and/or weekend home visits as agreed upon by both parties Home access to take place at the applicants home. Which I agreed with at the time as he was young didnt want to disrupt his routine bouncing him back and forth. I really do not know what to do. Being there is no court order can I just go there and see my son? if anyone can help I would appreciate it
Originally posted by Chris6900 View PostIt was a year ago then she stopped it all, she said I couldnt see him anymore but she allowed me phone contact everytime I would ask if I could see him she would say we will say or maybe next week always leaving me hoping I did not and still do not want to cause any trauma to my child I know he misses me she cut off phone contact about 3 weeks ago and the last converstaion with him was him asking for my number and she hung up the phone the next day the number was now changed and private , I did try calling back that night several times and no answer, through the course of the years there have been several other incidents of the same matter. I couldnt afford a lawyer then and I still cant am doing all the paper work myself. The reasonI did not do this sooner was for one I had signed a paper stating she have full residental custody and I have access which stated.. The respondent shall have access to the said child as follows:
reasonble weekday home visits and/or weekend home visits as agreed upon by both parties Home access to take place at the applicants home. Which I agreed with at the time as he was young didnt want to disrupt his routine bouncing him back and forth. I really do not know what to do. Being there is no court order can I just go there and see my son? if anyone can help I would appreciate it
Are you eligible for legal aid?
You should file to court that she is not allowing you see the child and you want weekends and visitations 2 weekdays. Minimum. Write down everything you remember.
She will likely say that you didn't want the child. Prove that she is lying. Prove that she told you she won't let you have the child.
If you want i can give you a few links where you can get a lot of info. I can't post them here because IDK if the site allows it.