My son and I just moved and I went and registered him in his new school. I didn't add my ex's name on the school registration form...I am not responsible for my ex being a parent no more! Am I in the wrong for this? I have been responsible for my ex being a "parent" for so long that I refuse to do it anymore. Is there any legal implication for me to keep his name off? I figure if he's a parent, he would take responsibility and do his half.
Does anyone know also, if school clothes and supplies are section 7 expenses, or is that child support. My son's father only contributed 3 pairs of second hand raggy pants for our son to go back to school in, and I want to know if I can take my ex back to court to help contribute more for clothes since this is all he has bought for him in the last year.
Does anyone know also, if school clothes and supplies are section 7 expenses, or is that child support. My son's father only contributed 3 pairs of second hand raggy pants for our son to go back to school in, and I want to know if I can take my ex back to court to help contribute more for clothes since this is all he has bought for him in the last year.