I've done a Google and nothing comes up. In my separation agreement a mediator will be used when conflicting issued about parenting come up.
Couple of questions since my x is EXTREMELY difficult to negotiate with and thinks she always holds all the cards. Also, she refused mediation to complete the separation agreement and instead we are emailing back and forth with our lawyers and very close. ( I keep saying that though )
1) Even though consulting a mediator regarding parenting issues is in the s.a. what's stopping her from refusing to go? I'm guessing here but I don't think there is anyway to really force her?
2) I'd like to add looser pays since I'll obviously be using this clause a lot but feel it will be a mute point since I'll never get her to the mediators anyway...
Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
I've done a Google and nothing comes up. In my separation agreement a mediator will be used when conflicting issued about parenting come up.
Couple of questions since my x is EXTREMELY difficult to negotiate with and thinks she always holds all the cards. Also, she refused mediation to complete the separation agreement and instead we are emailing back and forth with our lawyers and very close. ( I keep saying that though )
1) Even though consulting a mediator regarding parenting issues is in the s.a. what's stopping her from refusing to go? I'm guessing here but I don't think there is anyway to really force her?
2) I'd like to add looser pays since I'll obviously be using this clause a lot but feel it will be a mute point since I'll never get her to the mediators anyway...
Any thoughts greatly appreciated!