This is related to D4.
As of late, she seems to be asking about her "homes". Mom and I share joint custody.
This first came up from her when I had picked her up for a weekend with her and she got quiet and then got upset.
I had to pull over to ask her what was wrong.
She mentioned people are telling her she only has 1 home. Daddy's home is not her home.
I am "Dad".
I didn't ask her who would say that, but simply said "I don't know why they would say that, because you have 1 home with Mommy and you have another home when you see Daddy.
That's when the "But Mommy says I don't" came out.
Knowing not to paint the other parent in a bad way, I just say "I don't think you understood Mommy right"...then she said Mommy's bf also says this.
Anyway, I just told her to count how many places she has a bed with her stuffiness, and she counted two. So I told her she has two homes then, and she's lucky as not all kids get to have 2 homes.
As of late, she seems to be asking about her "homes". Mom and I share joint custody.
This first came up from her when I had picked her up for a weekend with her and she got quiet and then got upset.
I had to pull over to ask her what was wrong.
She mentioned people are telling her she only has 1 home. Daddy's home is not her home.
I am "Dad".
I didn't ask her who would say that, but simply said "I don't know why they would say that, because you have 1 home with Mommy and you have another home when you see Daddy.
That's when the "But Mommy says I don't" came out.
Knowing not to paint the other parent in a bad way, I just say "I don't think you understood Mommy right"...then she said Mommy's bf also says this.
Anyway, I just told her to count how many places she has a bed with her stuffiness, and she counted two. So I told her she has two homes then, and she's lucky as not all kids get to have 2 homes.