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PAS & HAP Evaluations

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  • PAS & HAP Evaluations

    If you're unsure whether your child is suffering from one -or both - take the time to check out these online evaluations to help you decide if you should take things further:

    Evaluating HAP Step 1

    Determining Parental Alienation

    Once you've completed the evaluation and gotten your score, check out the following link for recommended intervention:

    Recommended intervention strategies

  • #2
    Thank you Blink. These links are great.

    It hasn't helped my anxiety though. HAP score for 'the subject parent' was over 1200.



    • #3
      Mine was 217 (moderate risk).

      Fortunately some of the mitigation strategies are already in place, such as making sure to have joint custody to balance the power of the HAP parent and mitigate some of the damage they are doing to the child.


      • #4
        Score of 2222......


        • #5
          1246, and I was leiniant with my answers...


          • #6
            If you want better scores, ask a close friend not involved with the situation that spends time with the children to complete the survey. This friend should be neutral to the matter and not biased towards your position. You may bet a very different (lower) score.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tayken View Post
              If you want better scores, ask a close friend not involved with the situation that spends time with the children to complete the survey. This friend should be neutral to the matter and not biased towards your position. You may bet a very different (lower) score.
              I have done this already and the score was even higher. Apparently my neutral friend feels I have minimized some of the issues . Similar I guess to the issues that were occurring during the marriage, that I kept hoping would get better or the other party would change...

              This friend is about as neutral as could be and the one I use as a sounding board to ensure I am not using emotional reasoning with things. Thus far I haven't been led astray.

              Others may not have the same sort of results though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tayken View Post
                If you want better scores, ask a close friend not involved with the situation that spends time with the children to complete the survey. This friend should be neutral to the matter and not biased towards your position. You may bet a very different (lower) score.
                I also downplayed as much as I could. Trying to go with the benifit of the doubt on alot of things but its still extremly high.


                • #9
                  Useful links.
                  A good "barometer", to guage what I observe/encounter. It came up with high-risk for "mom", for HAP. That is not surprising.

                  Who is this link "from" though? I couldn't tell, from the site. Are there others, from a "recognized" source, that one could refer to, if bringing up this kind of stuff?

                  Here is source A, that outlines what contributes to HAP parenting...
                  Here are my documented instances, that fall within Source A's categories to show HAP parent, and what is recommended to limit this exposure to child. etc.


                  • #10
                    Thank you! This is very helpful. Unfortunately, too many children are exposed to this. Makes me very sad.


                    • #11
                      My ex scored an 18....I guess I am fairly lucky.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blinkandimgone View Post
                        If you're unsure whether your child is suffering from one -or both - take the time to check out these online evaluations to help you decide if you should take things further:

                        Evaluating HAP Step 1

                        Determining Parental Alienation

                        Once you've completed the evaluation and gotten your score, check out the following link for recommended intervention:

                        Recommended intervention strategies
                        Scored 1105. Ouch.

                        There is a book called "Stop Walking on Eggshells - Taking back your life when someone you care about suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder".

                        The DSM IV has re-categorized BPD as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

                        This book has been a life saver and a good start to understanding difficult relationships for those who score high. I'm not saying it is the answer for all, however when dealing with childhood PTSD and the person is an adult (like your ex) it has answered many questions.

                        For years I knew something was wrong, I just didn't know what. It is unfortunate that this difficult illness is passed from parent to child when left unchecked.

                        Thank you for this forum.


                        • #13
                          My kids are 14 & 17 and have been victims of PAS since they were young. It's a shame because unless the subject parent realizes what they are doing, it will never be corrected. My fear is that my poor children will carry this into their own personal relationships, thus, the domino effect on their own children.


                          • #14
                            I (or rather, my ex as perceived by me) got a 33 - I'm relatively lucky too. It was depressing just reading through the list of crappy things people do to their kids.


                            • #15
                              Thanks so much for this. My BF's ex scores 3047. OCL Disclosure is Monday. Five months of investigation and a long haul. Crossing our fingers they do the right thing and stop the abuse!

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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