Hi so I/we have 3 children who live with me, my stbx left us 6 months ago., anyways he does not have visits with them or regualar contact. This is his choice as he moved 2 provinces away. I recently was checking my chlidrens email acct as most of us moms do even tho our kids hate it haha anyways I see their dad has emailed them however everything in each email (6) of them mentions how I (the mother) don't let him see the children and how abusive and hurtful this is to him and them. I am concerned as this is not healthy for my children to read and feel and also its flat out lies. I can;t believe he uses the children., any suggestions as to how I can stop this? He doesn;t call and if i call him he doesnt answer or he just hangs up. This seems to be the only time the kids hear from him and he puts this garbage in the emails saying he will enforce courts to get him access etc., We never went anywhere he never came back to see them! He moved on with his life. Do I keep these emails for my lawyer? I find what he is doing is abusive but maybe I am over reacting I don't know? any suggestions?? Also I had to take my 8 year old to the hospital for she got treated for lyme disease
and when I went to get her meds my union benefit card was denied! He cut me off from our childrens benefits. i want to cry.,who does that?? I was a stay at home mom for 12 years and he rakes in 171,000 a year doesn;t pay support and I sit and wait for my lawyer. This is brutal and my heart goes out to all the families going through this hell.
