Hi, we are in process of trying to work out separation agreement between two of us without use of lawyers at this time. Married 7.5 years with 3 sons - ages 6, 4 and 2. Dad self employed, makes good $, works lots, Im kids primary.
We are renovating a big house on an acreage, our dream house and location. Marriage fell apart.
Husband has and is putting lots of money into this Reno. I think if we tried to sell it as is, we'd lose lots of money on it. He one day wants to buy this house and get me off title. He says things like I would never be able to afford or manage this property.
He wants kids half time.
He is proposing the nesting option. He wanted 7 days on/off, with off parent leaving to each others rental or whatever- so 3 places.
I can't live with 7 days. I've only stayed away from boys overnight maybe 3 times over their lives, plus they are so young. He says he's building home office in basement and will just have nanny watch them while he's working (which used to be 8am-10pm until this separation hit fan). Now he's taken time off to take them to heritage park one day, calaway park next day, science centre later today. *rant*
Anyway, I'm glad that he wants something to do with his kids.
I'm thinking more of a: he has them Monday tues, I have them wednesday thurs then we alternate fri, sat, sun. Then we switch the mon tues wed thurs, so that there isn't a five day span.
He's agreed to this. God I'm sick over it. I've mentioned: why don't I keep kids over week, with him having visitation on Wednesday's (or more) and then time on weekends, since that's basically how it's been for 6 years anyway, then once the baby enters school we can switch arrangement - no way, he said we go to war then. And he is talking about kids being raised in this house - I don't see this working for very long? Has anyone done nesting?
And I'm struggling- I feel like I should continue to be around all the time, since I always have been, kids are used to that. But is that thinking of them or being selfish?
Should I just try and live in this loveless marriage for another 3 years until baby goes to grade one? Would it be any easier then? My husband is a busy guy who could easily go a week without talking to me- except for what needs to get done or his dissatisfaction. He never touches me, Eventhough I think I'm as sexy today as I ever was -even b4 kids. Other than my kids, I've never been so lonely. It's been hard to live with. We tried councelling and the councillor told me, when husband stopped going, that I would die trying to please this guy. It's all devistating.
We are renovating a big house on an acreage, our dream house and location. Marriage fell apart.
Husband has and is putting lots of money into this Reno. I think if we tried to sell it as is, we'd lose lots of money on it. He one day wants to buy this house and get me off title. He says things like I would never be able to afford or manage this property.
He wants kids half time.
He is proposing the nesting option. He wanted 7 days on/off, with off parent leaving to each others rental or whatever- so 3 places.
I can't live with 7 days. I've only stayed away from boys overnight maybe 3 times over their lives, plus they are so young. He says he's building home office in basement and will just have nanny watch them while he's working (which used to be 8am-10pm until this separation hit fan). Now he's taken time off to take them to heritage park one day, calaway park next day, science centre later today. *rant*
Anyway, I'm glad that he wants something to do with his kids.
I'm thinking more of a: he has them Monday tues, I have them wednesday thurs then we alternate fri, sat, sun. Then we switch the mon tues wed thurs, so that there isn't a five day span.
He's agreed to this. God I'm sick over it. I've mentioned: why don't I keep kids over week, with him having visitation on Wednesday's (or more) and then time on weekends, since that's basically how it's been for 6 years anyway, then once the baby enters school we can switch arrangement - no way, he said we go to war then. And he is talking about kids being raised in this house - I don't see this working for very long? Has anyone done nesting?
And I'm struggling- I feel like I should continue to be around all the time, since I always have been, kids are used to that. But is that thinking of them or being selfish?
Should I just try and live in this loveless marriage for another 3 years until baby goes to grade one? Would it be any easier then? My husband is a busy guy who could easily go a week without talking to me- except for what needs to get done or his dissatisfaction. He never touches me, Eventhough I think I'm as sexy today as I ever was -even b4 kids. Other than my kids, I've never been so lonely. It's been hard to live with. We tried councelling and the councillor told me, when husband stopped going, that I would die trying to please this guy. It's all devistating.