I have far to many questions and lawyers are expensive. Plus you guys have been a great resorce for me. Thank you again. So........the kids came home extremly sick. X didn't even tell me. No note in communication book, no email, no phone call, not even to my face at drop off. We had first agreed to telling each other when we first went to the hospital then again after visit. We then agreed to only after the hospital visit. He then changed his mind and demanded to know before and after. He verbally abuse's me via phone and in front of the children, not to mention belittle's me in the communication book. Anyways, I texted when the first child needed to go to the er. He turned it into an attack against me and nothing to do with the kids. Texted when left er. Once again turned into attack on me. He then expect daily updates about how there doing, then truns them into attacks against me. Second child needs to go to the hospital. Call this time. Demands to know symptoms (when I've updated him all day, that turned into how I got a lawyer and he's broke blah blah) state symptoms again, maybe not in a nice tone. Text him how it went, which he never responded too. Most updates aren't responded to until he's at work. Actually most of the email abuse only occurs while he's at work. So here's my question, ealry statges of agreement, what do you guys do with illness's and communicating about them? I can't take the crap on top of sick kids. Any suggestions? And what should I do for now? Keep calling/texting before and after?
Thanks again everyone!
Thanks again everyone!