I am new here and I'm hoping that I can find advice from others who have "sadly" been in the shoes I am now wearing. I am a mom of three wonderful fantastic gorgegous children little bias maybe . . .I am divorced and have been for two years. My ex, long story short, had an affair. After awhile I stopped asking him to come back and stopped asking him to go to counselling and instead I found me and made me come back and I went to counselling I love where I am in life. I have sole custody of all three of my children who I feel judge me and I'm fearful of making the wrong decisions. I kept our family home which all 3 of my children have been born raised in. . .13, female, 9 female, 3 male. When my ex and I seperated I went and had a seperation agreement written up, after some negotiaing it was finalized and signed by both of us. He of course has not followed the seperation agreement for more then maybe the first four months. He is not reimbursing for extra oridnary expenses for the children, he is to pay me a certain amount per month for famliy debt we incurred which he does not (was but just when he feels like it 900 behind plus 1200 in child support since June) a truck loan my name was to be removed from over a year ago as well. He does not follow the access set out which I have no issues with at all, his two weeks in the summer he does not take Christmas march break . .he cancels a half hour in advance and just doesn't care. He believes if he is going to be late for access I am to cancel my plans to accomodate him and tells me to grow up and why would I cooperate now when I never have!!! So I am here because I want this to be over. . .I want to take him back to court to enforce the terms in our agreement and have this stress in my life leave . . .I am hoping to do this by self representing but really have no idea where to start which leads me to the reason why I am here . . .any help suggestions anything would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you and nice to meet you
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New and sooooo FRUSTRATED and in search of guidance
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If you are in Ontario go to the courthouse (early is better) and talk to the FLIC (Family Law Info Center) people, they can get you started. I believe there is a number you can call for a free 1/2 hour or 1 hour consult or something as well.
I can tell you are so happy where you are in life...your happy faces and all.
Maybe you qualify for legal aid or maybe you should visit your family law office and talk to a legal counsellor about how to enforce orders or even do some research on your provincial family law website your very own self.