Well we decided to seperate but we still live under the same roof until I find another place to live. I'ts not the first time we seperate but it is the first time I stay until I find some other place. I am not packing and unpacking just to be packing up again !!! This time I'm actually looking for an apartememt and I'll only be packing and unpacking once ! This will be my first Divorce and I pray to God it will be my last. Marriage can be nasty
It has been a very hard 10 yrs! Anyways, I guess now it's down to the... 50/50 part who gets what? OMG! that's gonna' be interesting! here comes more fighting over ridiculous stuff ( material ) and let's not forget to take our wallet's for the lawyers cuz they will be needing lots of cash. Knowing, my soon to be ex-husband he will NOT go quietly. He will fight to the bone for sure. Oh! Boy, what am I in for? Help!!!
