The case before me is rather torrid, high conflict and very much a battle royal. I have to battle not only an uncooperative abusive ex but a dual-justice system that does not work.
I live in Petawawa, Ontario located in Renfrew County. Renfrew is one of two counties left on the antiquated dual-justice system. The case started in 2007 when I and my children left, on my then lawyers "authority". All of my family and friends are in Kingston, Ontario. My ex was able to cut me off from all my family & friends and moved us here to Petawawa where his family and life is. The deal when we moved was that we would move for one year so he could open his new business with his friend Chris. If said business did not work then we would move back home to Kingston. The business failed we did not move.
We had a very long and tiring trial that did not finish. I was on the stand for 7 days and he was up on three accounts of assault and one charge of sexual assault. The deal at the time was if I asked the crown to drop the charges that I would have my kids. I wasn't left with any other choice. I asked the crowne to drop the charges and despite them having as they told me, "more solid evidence in this case then any other in 10 years". They said he was going away for sure and they didn't want to drop the charges. They finally agreed and we agreed to settle the case with an agreement. I did not get my children. Mobility to Kingston was not possbile and I had to return to Kingston on my own. He wound up in the agreement with the house, car (I bought), boat and tailer (i bought) and primary. I wound up with three weekends of the month and him traveling on Sundays only to pick them up.
Last year I was injured couldn't travel and he refused to bring the girls to me to visit. I didn't see them until December. During the year I relearned to walk and by then was walking with my canes. Oh wait sorry I did see them in July when he couldn't find a babysitter for them as the new wife didn't want them nor did his family. He was forced to bring them down to me so he could go to Manitoulin Island for his annual boys golf week of porn, drinking, hookers and golf. I only saw them in December when he was marriing to his long time mistress Dawn on New Year's Day and wanted the girls to be at the wedding. I agreed to having the girls seeing as I had no communication and no custody time with them at all.
During our time they told me awful things about the new mistress and the situation at dad's home. They begged to move in with me, which of course I couldn't grant to them. I made the decision to move back to Petawawa despite my three restraining orders against the man being lapsed because I couldn't get into court. I was on legal aid at the time and the lawyer wasn't doing anything.
My legal aid ran out. The lawyers are gone and I am now left to travers the legal field on my own. I am up against a seasoned lawyer Peter Sammon. I filed my first paperwork for an emergency motion for September 17th, 2010 appearance and we made it to court. The judge wouldn't let me speak as I didn't have a lawyer present and out of turn he let Sammon tell him what the case is. By the judge's own admittal he hadn't read the case paperwork before him at all!!
Sammon bauked that the motion before the court was not an emergency motion but a variation of motion. I was being nice I was adressing only the immediate issues before my children that need attention. Interim custody for living arrangments with me, visitation for Steve as the girls wish and an OCL lawyer to be appointed to them. I also asked that the court appoint mediation/arbitrator despite the fact that it's in the agreement and the other side was not settling on going. It's been 8 months of me fighting to get them to mediation.
The court ordered a mediation session to be set up. We met with Chantel Carvallo yesterday and it failed. 500.00 retainer and 175.00 an hour for nothing. She wanted to send us away with "homework" in communication to speak weekly on Sundays at 9:30. WTF? We were there to reach an agreement on the issues not social councelling which failed during the marriage!! I am appauled. If I were looking for that I would have been married still!! It was a waste of money, time and energy.
Now we have a court appearance Friday coming. Second apperance for the September order. I am redoing the entire paperwork for a Motion to Vary to now included everything from custody to support, non involvement of new wife (issues there for proper care), supervised visits for dad (OPP involved weekly with exchanges). I have to get this done as I believe Sammon will ask to adjourn come this Friday as it's an 'improper Motion to Vary."
I am living in the Armpit of Hell where I am scared for my life daily, have the ex's family apparently following me around town so now I stay home if not with the kids, we have the OPP involved nearly weekly at exchanges, he takes the kids out of province without getting travel permissions, he keeps the girls away from me all week including net and phone while at dads, plus having no family & friends here. I am scratching out a living as a Child Care Provider 7 days a week including evenings and weekends, while fighting for my children around the clock and learning different acts and court proceedures.
We had two girls now ages 11 and 13. They are caught in the middle of this and it's a shame seeing as they have no lawyer. They have told a lot of people they want to live with mom and they want things to change. Dad continues to ignore their wishes and continues to alienate them from their mother who is now only 4km to be here.They could bike it if dad let them and he will not. yet he will let them bike to a friends house who is on the next street over and I'm on the corner. He admitted in mediation to spying on me by videotaping and recording me. This is the kind of person who should have two girls? Strange thing is that I don't keep them from him. Anyone can help?
I live in Petawawa, Ontario located in Renfrew County. Renfrew is one of two counties left on the antiquated dual-justice system. The case started in 2007 when I and my children left, on my then lawyers "authority". All of my family and friends are in Kingston, Ontario. My ex was able to cut me off from all my family & friends and moved us here to Petawawa where his family and life is. The deal when we moved was that we would move for one year so he could open his new business with his friend Chris. If said business did not work then we would move back home to Kingston. The business failed we did not move.
We had a very long and tiring trial that did not finish. I was on the stand for 7 days and he was up on three accounts of assault and one charge of sexual assault. The deal at the time was if I asked the crown to drop the charges that I would have my kids. I wasn't left with any other choice. I asked the crowne to drop the charges and despite them having as they told me, "more solid evidence in this case then any other in 10 years". They said he was going away for sure and they didn't want to drop the charges. They finally agreed and we agreed to settle the case with an agreement. I did not get my children. Mobility to Kingston was not possbile and I had to return to Kingston on my own. He wound up in the agreement with the house, car (I bought), boat and tailer (i bought) and primary. I wound up with three weekends of the month and him traveling on Sundays only to pick them up.
Last year I was injured couldn't travel and he refused to bring the girls to me to visit. I didn't see them until December. During the year I relearned to walk and by then was walking with my canes. Oh wait sorry I did see them in July when he couldn't find a babysitter for them as the new wife didn't want them nor did his family. He was forced to bring them down to me so he could go to Manitoulin Island for his annual boys golf week of porn, drinking, hookers and golf. I only saw them in December when he was marriing to his long time mistress Dawn on New Year's Day and wanted the girls to be at the wedding. I agreed to having the girls seeing as I had no communication and no custody time with them at all.
During our time they told me awful things about the new mistress and the situation at dad's home. They begged to move in with me, which of course I couldn't grant to them. I made the decision to move back to Petawawa despite my three restraining orders against the man being lapsed because I couldn't get into court. I was on legal aid at the time and the lawyer wasn't doing anything.
My legal aid ran out. The lawyers are gone and I am now left to travers the legal field on my own. I am up against a seasoned lawyer Peter Sammon. I filed my first paperwork for an emergency motion for September 17th, 2010 appearance and we made it to court. The judge wouldn't let me speak as I didn't have a lawyer present and out of turn he let Sammon tell him what the case is. By the judge's own admittal he hadn't read the case paperwork before him at all!!

Sammon bauked that the motion before the court was not an emergency motion but a variation of motion. I was being nice I was adressing only the immediate issues before my children that need attention. Interim custody for living arrangments with me, visitation for Steve as the girls wish and an OCL lawyer to be appointed to them. I also asked that the court appoint mediation/arbitrator despite the fact that it's in the agreement and the other side was not settling on going. It's been 8 months of me fighting to get them to mediation.
The court ordered a mediation session to be set up. We met with Chantel Carvallo yesterday and it failed. 500.00 retainer and 175.00 an hour for nothing. She wanted to send us away with "homework" in communication to speak weekly on Sundays at 9:30. WTF? We were there to reach an agreement on the issues not social councelling which failed during the marriage!! I am appauled. If I were looking for that I would have been married still!! It was a waste of money, time and energy.
Now we have a court appearance Friday coming. Second apperance for the September order. I am redoing the entire paperwork for a Motion to Vary to now included everything from custody to support, non involvement of new wife (issues there for proper care), supervised visits for dad (OPP involved weekly with exchanges). I have to get this done as I believe Sammon will ask to adjourn come this Friday as it's an 'improper Motion to Vary."
I am living in the Armpit of Hell where I am scared for my life daily, have the ex's family apparently following me around town so now I stay home if not with the kids, we have the OPP involved nearly weekly at exchanges, he takes the kids out of province without getting travel permissions, he keeps the girls away from me all week including net and phone while at dads, plus having no family & friends here. I am scratching out a living as a Child Care Provider 7 days a week including evenings and weekends, while fighting for my children around the clock and learning different acts and court proceedures.
We had two girls now ages 11 and 13. They are caught in the middle of this and it's a shame seeing as they have no lawyer. They have told a lot of people they want to live with mom and they want things to change. Dad continues to ignore their wishes and continues to alienate them from their mother who is now only 4km to be here.They could bike it if dad let them and he will not. yet he will let them bike to a friends house who is on the next street over and I'm on the corner. He admitted in mediation to spying on me by videotaping and recording me. This is the kind of person who should have two girls? Strange thing is that I don't keep them from him. Anyone can help?