Originally posted by standing on the sidelines
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She is going out of her way for the children here, she is staying in the same neighbourhood. So they can be near school and friends and activities and familiar parks etc no matter which parent they are with. This is something that many people have huge fights with their ex's over, you are lucky she isn't trying to move them to another province!!
My ex and me have 50/50, initially she moved into a 1 bedroom about a restaurant. One child had a bedroom, she had a bunk bed with the other in the living room. This wasn't even a question of expense, it was what was available on a moment's notice, a few blocks from the school and on an easy transit line to my place. It was also temporary and gave her a chance to find an excellent place that was also good for everyone later in the year.
If you pick this fight, she will just as easily seek the house, or return the favour and fight over something else, or she will be forced out of the neighbourhood which will hurt you and the kids both. Meanwhile, I'm sure she is not an idiot (no matter that we all think our ex's are idiots) and she will consider it temporary. But you do your cause no good at all if you start making demands about where and how she is living.
To claim the children will somehow suffer living there is just speculation at this point. Give her a chance, you are both having your lives turned upside down. In 6 months or a year if the situation is the same, things aren't going well for them, she has no plans to improve the situation, then you should speak up. And you will have the benefit of 6-12 months of Status Quo on your part so at least she can't challenge you for the custody of the kids.
You are 90% settled, don't reopen a battle just because things aren't perfect. They will never be perfect.
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