The other day I have the great privledge of visiting my local family court house to obtain a copy of yet another endorsement following up on my FRO default hearing with the ex when I inadvertantly overheard a conversation between a court worker and a gentleman who had been there due to his own family matter.
The court worker was telling the man he needed to go and visit the FLIC (family law information clinic) office ... the man stated that he had already been there, waited over an hour in line and when got himself in front of a lawyer, answered all their questions about income, was told that the FLIC office could not help him because he made too much money.
The man stated to the court worker that indeed, his income was not below standard level, but that due to child support, living expenses, and such, there was nothing left for him to hire a lawyer with!!??!!
The clerk told him to go back to the FLIC office and go through the process again and hopefully he would get a different counsel and maybe that one would help him....
I watched this man shake his head in disbelief and with almost complete greif wash over his face, he bowed his head, slumped his shoulders and quietly walked out of the courthouse and headed for the parking lot.
How saddened I was at that moment....and how angered I was at the same time!!!
How many more of us...who make a standard living ~ not one of poverty and not close enough to claim welfare and legal aide ~ but who work hard daily to support ourselves and our children and try and do the right thing by staying employed and working hard...and who cannot get the legal advice and support that we need??!!!
Just saying.....
The court worker was telling the man he needed to go and visit the FLIC (family law information clinic) office ... the man stated that he had already been there, waited over an hour in line and when got himself in front of a lawyer, answered all their questions about income, was told that the FLIC office could not help him because he made too much money.
The man stated to the court worker that indeed, his income was not below standard level, but that due to child support, living expenses, and such, there was nothing left for him to hire a lawyer with!!??!!
The clerk told him to go back to the FLIC office and go through the process again and hopefully he would get a different counsel and maybe that one would help him....
I watched this man shake his head in disbelief and with almost complete greif wash over his face, he bowed his head, slumped his shoulders and quietly walked out of the courthouse and headed for the parking lot.
How saddened I was at that moment....and how angered I was at the same time!!!
How many more of us...who make a standard living ~ not one of poverty and not close enough to claim welfare and legal aide ~ but who work hard daily to support ourselves and our children and try and do the right thing by staying employed and working hard...and who cannot get the legal advice and support that we need??!!!
Just saying.....