Not sure if it's always been like that, but this morning there was quite a bit of spam message. Gets a little annoying, won't make me stop coming to the site, but just a little pain when I come to check new threads.
On another site that I frequent, there's a rule that you can't post links untill you've had 25 posts. And, I believe another website had it that you can't post for approximately 24 hours after creating your account.
Not sure how easy it would be to implement it, but I think it would minimize all the spam threads.
On another site that I frequent, there's a rule that you can't post links untill you've had 25 posts. And, I believe another website had it that you can't post for approximately 24 hours after creating your account.
Not sure how easy it would be to implement it, but I think it would minimize all the spam threads.