I was close to get my diploma from the college when my husband wonted that we separated. I asked him to give me a time that I finish my courses (I needed 1.5 month) but he didn’t care about that. He forced me to sign separation agreement, and I didn’t want to do that. Then he hired lawyer and we are now in process of settling separation agreement. In these two months I finished 5 courses, but for last one I am loosing concentration and can’t work. I am under stress and I don’t know how I pass these 5 courses. But, now because of stress I am not capable to learn and work on last one course and get my diploma. Does my husband have any responsibilities for that, because of his behaviour (he is abusive person), I didn’t finish college and prolonged getting diploma? All time during my study (back to school) I had financial support from EI and I put all this money on our joint account since he took my bank card that I have no access on our joint account. I open my account but all my money I spend buying a food or cleaning supply for us. If I get diploma I will easily find a job and start to work. Without diploma I am on the same position for getting a job like I was before I started to study.
All these period I was everyday cooking, did housecleaning, wash his clothes.
All these period I was everyday cooking, did housecleaning, wash his clothes.