Sorry this is long.
I have been in along term common law relationship for 17 years. No kids. I had found out my spouse was screwing around on me with a prostitute that works for an escort service. It has been going on for over 2 years. I was going to confront him when I found out, but decided to get all my evidence and what I would do and be entitled to. I had to get all my ducks in a row before I confront him. This has taken me awhile and I'm very stressed out. I had since found out that he has been frequenting internet sites looking for sex.
I knew something was going on because he as not acting himself for some time. I think he is mentally unstable. He did attack me during an argument in January by pushing me hard to the ground. I hit my head hard on the hardwood floor and ended up with a lump that lasted a couple of months. He said I deserved it. He has never done anything like that before. He has been though treating me like crap verbally.
So tonight I went over to his brother's house and told him what was going on. He agreed that he needs help. I told the brother that there only 2 options, one he stops all this and gets phsycatric help and I'm willing to go with him to try and work everthing out. The other is to give me a settlement and I will leave. I don't think he will go for either, but I think a settlement will be the end result.
I will be confronting him on friday. I have to do it. I can't live like this anymore. I am a little scared about what he might do. I will voice record the confrontation just in case.
As for a settlement I would be going for Unjust Enrichment. I do work but not a full 40 hours because I have a disablity that was caused from a car accident 5 years ago. I would not be able to afford to live on my own without receiving a settlement. How would I go about figuring out the amounts of everything I have done to give him the enrichment. For axample I bought food, household items etc... Helped him with his buisness. Where as he was able to purchase some land, do renos on the house etc... increase his buisness. Any thoughts would be helpful.
I have been in along term common law relationship for 17 years. No kids. I had found out my spouse was screwing around on me with a prostitute that works for an escort service. It has been going on for over 2 years. I was going to confront him when I found out, but decided to get all my evidence and what I would do and be entitled to. I had to get all my ducks in a row before I confront him. This has taken me awhile and I'm very stressed out. I had since found out that he has been frequenting internet sites looking for sex.
I knew something was going on because he as not acting himself for some time. I think he is mentally unstable. He did attack me during an argument in January by pushing me hard to the ground. I hit my head hard on the hardwood floor and ended up with a lump that lasted a couple of months. He said I deserved it. He has never done anything like that before. He has been though treating me like crap verbally.
So tonight I went over to his brother's house and told him what was going on. He agreed that he needs help. I told the brother that there only 2 options, one he stops all this and gets phsycatric help and I'm willing to go with him to try and work everthing out. The other is to give me a settlement and I will leave. I don't think he will go for either, but I think a settlement will be the end result.
I will be confronting him on friday. I have to do it. I can't live like this anymore. I am a little scared about what he might do. I will voice record the confrontation just in case.
As for a settlement I would be going for Unjust Enrichment. I do work but not a full 40 hours because I have a disablity that was caused from a car accident 5 years ago. I would not be able to afford to live on my own without receiving a settlement. How would I go about figuring out the amounts of everything I have done to give him the enrichment. For axample I bought food, household items etc... Helped him with his buisness. Where as he was able to purchase some land, do renos on the house etc... increase his buisness. Any thoughts would be helpful.