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Epic success
My goodness.....and no this is not something specific to this woman. Continuing to collect CS when kids aren't in school is a similar behaviour and should be punished with jail time. 18 months have to be freaking kidding me. This encourages more women to do this, knowing that the punishment is minimal. A man doing something similar would have got more time
The alleged father, who lived in Minnesota, stepped up to the plate and began paying Ms. Vandemore $1,000 per month, sending extra cash for holidays and the child’s birthday.
She provided him with a forged birth certificate from a non-existent hospital, and a photo of the child, using a picture of her cousin’s baby.
As the money rolled in Ms. Vandemore’s husband queried her about her finances. She lied to him telling him it was profit from selling nutritional products online.
Vandemore’s scam was successful for six years. She received over 90 payments totalling $100,000. This week she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to reimburse her duped victim the payments he had made.Last edited by serendipitous; 05-06-2015, 10:29 AM.