I'm wondering if there are any good news stories out there.
I'm not sure my ex would completely qualify as high-conflict, but he has certainly been prone to throwing fits, threatening pointless legal action, sending long ranting emails about my evilness, demanding money, and generally being a jerk with enmeshment problems. We do not interact face to face (with the occasional unavoidable pickup/dropoffs at my place) and only communicate via email when necessary. I stick to the BIFF formula for all interactions.
But in the last few weeks, I'm noticing a change of tone. Emails now contain words like "please" and "I appreciate", and he even thanked me for reminding him about a detail of D8's activities that he had forgotten, the kind of thing that would have caused a fit to be thrown earlier. We just did the biannual exchange of S7 expenses, which I had been dreading, and for the first time his information was on-time and complete and his expenses were all legitimate ones under our divorce agreement. A couple of potential flashpoints for potential disagreement were resolved without going nuclear. I think he has even attempted small talk at the last exchange.
I want to be optimistic that these are signs of improvement in our relationship, but am mindful of the fable about the scorpion.
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced change for the better over time? I don't ever want to be friends with the ex, but it would be nice to think a day will come when dealing with him isn't excruciating.
I'm not sure my ex would completely qualify as high-conflict, but he has certainly been prone to throwing fits, threatening pointless legal action, sending long ranting emails about my evilness, demanding money, and generally being a jerk with enmeshment problems. We do not interact face to face (with the occasional unavoidable pickup/dropoffs at my place) and only communicate via email when necessary. I stick to the BIFF formula for all interactions.
But in the last few weeks, I'm noticing a change of tone. Emails now contain words like "please" and "I appreciate", and he even thanked me for reminding him about a detail of D8's activities that he had forgotten, the kind of thing that would have caused a fit to be thrown earlier. We just did the biannual exchange of S7 expenses, which I had been dreading, and for the first time his information was on-time and complete and his expenses were all legitimate ones under our divorce agreement. A couple of potential flashpoints for potential disagreement were resolved without going nuclear. I think he has even attempted small talk at the last exchange.
I want to be optimistic that these are signs of improvement in our relationship, but am mindful of the fable about the scorpion.
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced change for the better over time? I don't ever want to be friends with the ex, but it would be nice to think a day will come when dealing with him isn't excruciating.