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  • :(

    I'm about to cry, as I'm leaving for the vets' in about 10 mins.

    My dog is in pain, and will be put down today.

    ... there are already tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Its amazing how much a pet can come to mean to you.

  • #2
    Originally posted by wretchedotis View Post
    I'm about to cry, as I'm leaving for the vets' in about 10 mins.

    My dog is in pain, and will be put down today.

    ... there are already tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Its amazing how much a pet can come to mean to you.

    Awww...S**T Wretch!!!...hang in there


    • #3
      A final act of kindness to a dear friend. It is gut-wrenching, I know. Pets can be a tremendous part of our lives and a huge comfort. Sorry you are having to take this trip, it's not an easy decision but it's a loving one.


      • #4
        Sorry to hear about your loss of beloved dog. A very difficult time. Our animal family comfort us through lonely, difficult times and it is so very hard to say good bye.


        • #5
          So sorry to hear, WO. I know you're going through a lot lately.



          • #6
            I was just thinking that, Blink. Seems WO has many transitions to deal with all at once recently. I know the feeling as I'm sure many of us do. I absolutely love and adore animals and I know how hard it is when the day comes that we have to say our final farewells.

            My mechanic had a dog for almost 20 years and had to have the old fella put down. There he was, this burly big man and he was understandably in pieces over it. It hurts like hell


            • #7
              If you need someone to meet for a coffee or something let me know. Not sure where you are located but we can figure it out. Wish we could do more for you as its alot to deal with.


              • #8
                WO, I just saw your message, and by the time you read this, I think your dog will be out of pain and at peace. I also love animals and at one time had 5 cats and 2 dogs.

                I once had a very special cat. Bobbi's story is one I seldom mention. After 2 years or so I did tell his story again, and that was only 2 days ago, so now I'm telling it again, to you. I hope it gives you some comfort and reassurance.

                Adopting a big, beautiful, wild-natured 9 month old, unfixed Maine Coon to arrive in a tiny carrier from the U.S., I was certain to see a rather deranged, anxious, angry feline. Instead, at the first glance, he stared at me with those big, beautiful green eyes as if to say "What's next? I'm up to it." Bobbi was fearless.

                The first night, he hopped unto the piano, and mowed down every ornament and photograph. No harm done...he didn't break anything. In a very short time, he learned to respect the stuff in the house, with very little training ...he just knew.

                A new puppy was not to be attacked, but rather to be sat upon, very gently, until his hyperactivity disappeared, temporarily at least. Puppy seemed to enjoy this "Cat-sitting." Bobbi wouldn't harm a flea. He was a gentle giant.

                Bobbi and I quickly bonded..he seemed able to read my mind. He would look deeply into my eyes and would often raise one of his big paws and gently touch my face. I called him my soul-cat.

                Bobbi was with me 17 years. One day i found Bobbi unable to rise from his laying position. I quickly took his to the vet. The vet took an x-ray and advised me that it would be best to have him go to sleep. It happened so quickly. Bobbi looked at me, as if he wanted to say something, give me a final "meow", but he was too weak. He gently raised his paw one final time to touch my face and then he was gone.

                That night, as I quietly sat in the living-room mourning Bobbi, I heard a distcinct "Meow" from the adjoining kitchen. It was Bobbi. My dogs raise their ears. They heard him too. Bob finally got to say goodbye.


                • #9
                  Wow, now I'm near tears. Pets are wonderful and it sure is heart-breaking when the end comes. I occasionally dream of my 2 dogs. They were beautiful, intelligent animals. Whenever they appear (in my dreams) they are always together and they are healthy and strong. I wake up afterwards feeling as though they have visited me. Omg, now I am fighting back tears.

                  Edit: I'm losing the fight.
                  Last edited by hadenough; 01-31-2013, 02:54 PM. Reason: admitting to crying :s


                  • #10
                    WO- I know exactly how you feel... I would like to share my story with you.

                    6 years ago, my cousin in law was diagnosed with cancer... the day he married my cousin was one of the happiest days in my life. My cousin was like a big sister to me and marrying him made him a big brother to me... when I found out he had cancer, I was devastated. I found out at the start of June and had 2 weeks of high school left... I made the decision to go and stay with my cousins 4 hours away to help out. At the time their daughter was 3 and their son was 4 months. I knew they needed help.

                    I gave up my whole summer to be down there with them, I watched this big strong man basically shrivel up in front of me through the 2 months I was there. He also told me... "Never lose faith kiddo"... and every day I looked forward to hearing that. My last weekend with them, he was able to get out of the hospital for a weekend pass. My parents came down and we all spent some time together. On the Saturday, my cousin asked if I wanted to go for a ride, she had something to show me... we drove for over an hour until we pulled up to this beautiful farm house... as we drove up the drive way, two great big Bernese Mountain Dogs came bounding out, followed by 3 little fuzz butts. As a thank you gift, my cousins bought me my dream dog. She was beautiful and I knew exactly what to name her... and than it when my journey with Faith started.

                    That dog was my life, and a daily reminder of how never losing Faith got my family through one of the toughest summers of our lives. She was perfect. Over the years she was there for me like no one else. She was there through some not so great relationships, she was there through my constant struggles and health issues and she was there when I made the decision to move away for college. She truly was my best friend.

                    Jan 13th, 2012, we came home and she never met me at the door... in my 5 years with her, she always met me at my door when I returned home... at first I thought maybe she was not feeling well, but as the night went on I realized something was wrong. First thing in the morning I loaded her in the van and drove her to the vet. My worst nightmare had come true... my beloved and best friend had cancer... I was given the option to attempt to treat her, or to have her laid to rest. I took her home that snowy Saturday and waited for my partner to return home. As soon as he walked through the door he knew. We were both so devastated... we talked it over and made the tough decision that she needed to be pain free. I called the vet Saturday night and told her we would be there first thing Monday morning.

                    Saturday night was extremely hard... From Friday night to Sunday night, she lost all control over her body, she was getting sick and could not stand... my 100lb dog, lost 36lbs in 48 hours. Monday morning, I took her out for her last pee and she gave me that look... that look that seemed to thank me for what I was about to do. The 15 min drive to the vet was hard, there were many times I just wanted to turn around, I was not ready to lose my best friend... but with my partner by my side, we arrived at the vet and carried her in.

                    Once in the office, Faith was situated on her favorite blanket and her head on my lap. When the vet came in, Faith's tail began to wag, her tail wagged right until the end. Watching my baby peacefully fall asleep in my arms crushed me, but I knew it was the best thing for her.

                    The very thing that brought her into my life, was the very thing that took her away. No dog will ever take her place, she was there when I needed her most and she left my life when she knew I was safe and happy.

                    WO- Feb 16th was a year since her passing...I have thought of her every day since, people always say it will get better and I can say I have had good days, but I have also had many bad days because of losing her. I can tell you to hang in there and remember all the good times you shared with your furry friend. Please know, the tough decision you made today, was the best decision for your best friend. I am thinking of you today.


                    • #11
                      Having to put a pet down is definitely one of the worse days in our life!


                      • #12
                        Faith & Carana - very touching stories. Hard to say good bye to our family members.

                        My father was a veterinarian. He was a veterinary pathologist (research) but because the whole neighborhood knew he was a vet we used to get EVERYONE'S dead or almost-dead pets brought to our back door. We also lived near a ravine and a very busy street and sadly many dogs and cats were hit by cars. I can still remember my various childhood friend's parents bringing over their cat or dog, sobbing their eyes out. Often my dad would have to euthanize the animals immediately but always gave the parents the option to be there or not. Hysteria, at times, would be a good way to describe those days.

                        We had people bring birds to our house. My mother was the gifted one, often nursing birds back to health after they had stunned themselves flying into windows. Dad got all the credit but I knew it was mom that saved the birds!

                        Later when I was a young girl of approx. 17 I decided to work at a vet clinic for a summer job. It was hard work. Sadly there were animals put to rest throughout the week. I can say that the injection is instantaneous. It is a very humane thing to do.

                        I know as a pet owner who has had 3 cats live to age 21 that it is heart-wrenching to put the animal to sleep. I don't think it's a simple task for a veterinarian either. To watch an animal suffer is what is the hardest thing.

                        One of the nicest things you can do to remember your pet is to make donation of food or cash to an animal shelter. Any support is appreciated.


                        • #13
                          Hey WO,

                          I didn't lose my pet to cancer or illness... I lost my pet to separation. When I left the home with nothing but my clothes and laptop, where I was going I could not take the dog. My kids were pretty damn sad but the dog had to go, he had bit my ex's boyfriend.

                          Anyway, almost four years later I am going to meet a new dog. If all goes well, the children and I will pick the little girl up and start a life with the still unnamed dog (we're Star Wars geeks, so who knows). There is no way I will ever give up a dog again. The dog comes with the package, as do my kids.

                          Hopefully my friend you can relieve the pain by moving on to another furry friend. I'm sure you can begin another fantastic adventure together.


                          • #14
                            Thanks everyone.

                            Charlie was a fantastic companion for over 10 years.

                            Unfortunately, the cost of treatment for him was quoted to me at over 5k.
                            I so wish I had that kind of money to spend on him.

                            I had a good little cry, and then hit my local favorite watering hole.
                            Good thing I had the day off

                            I am not looking forward to telling the boy about it.


                            • #15
                              WO, you and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. Like baldclub, I left my home with only some of my clothes and a laptop. I left because I was afraid of my abusive husband. A few days later I returned, with the police, to get documents and my 2 cats. They've been a Godsend, especially for the 15 months I've been living alone.

                              Maybe in time you will find another pet for yourself and your son.
                              Last edited by caranna; 01-31-2013, 05:38 PM.


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