Found an article written about shared parenting, would like to hear peoples thoughts on these paragraphs. Unfortunately I was unable to find the full article and author information, but thought the text below was worth discussion.
"There is no empirical research to support this model in any but the rarest of situations where the separating parners actually have mutual respect and trust and a sincere commitment to minimizing the impact of the separation on the children. Indeed, those jurisdictions that have implemented shared parenting models in the past two decades almost universally have found them not to work.
The shared parenting model does not correspond to current parenting patterns in which woman simply continue as the primary caregivers after separation, regardless of what the court order may say; may be contrary to the true best interest of the children.
To impose a resime of shared parenting iat the most conflich-laden time in a relationship (immediate post separation) is ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst. Wommen cannot be forced into frequent contract and shared decision making with men who have physically and empotionally abused them or they will simply continue to be abused.
Mothers may withold access for a variety of reasons; most commonly because they have concerns for the safety and well being of the children in the care of the father and sometimes beacuse the access arragngements would place the mother at risk."
"There is no empirical research to support this model in any but the rarest of situations where the separating parners actually have mutual respect and trust and a sincere commitment to minimizing the impact of the separation on the children. Indeed, those jurisdictions that have implemented shared parenting models in the past two decades almost universally have found them not to work.
The shared parenting model does not correspond to current parenting patterns in which woman simply continue as the primary caregivers after separation, regardless of what the court order may say; may be contrary to the true best interest of the children.
To impose a resime of shared parenting iat the most conflich-laden time in a relationship (immediate post separation) is ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst. Wommen cannot be forced into frequent contract and shared decision making with men who have physically and empotionally abused them or they will simply continue to be abused.
Mothers may withold access for a variety of reasons; most commonly because they have concerns for the safety and well being of the children in the care of the father and sometimes beacuse the access arragngements would place the mother at risk."