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    HI there i have decided to move to alberta where my soon to be ex lives as I know it will benefit my childrens relationship with their dad, however, I have not yet filed my custody or divorce papers I am just in the works with that now, should I continue to retain my lawyer here in Ontario and will she think I am crazy? or should I/can I retain a lawyer in Alberta. Is anyone able to shed light on my situation? We were married in Ontario. I would hate to have to fly back and forth to Ontario if not necessary as he will have too as well.

  • #2
    Some lawyers practice in both provinces. Maybe ask your lawyer for her opinion and/or referral.


    • #3
      Arabian thank you. I am just bout run around the bend with this man. It is taking every fibre of my being to be civil to him. I don't want to be closer to him, but I do want my children to have a good chance at having a relationship with him. He has not even attempted to see his kids in 6months. Making $5000 a week and he gives me 700 every couple of weeks. He is hiding money, buying vehicles using this matrimonial home as collateral I am living off RRSPs., look how i blabbled i just rec;d a phone call from him as he has taken me off his union benefits and the children only have benefits in Alberta as we still reside in Ontario. Unbelievably difficult this man is. He threatens me if I go after him for spousal he will quit his job, wow he's someone elses peach now haha


      • #4
        He threatens me if I go after him for spousal he will quit his job
        That won't affect the amount he pays. Courts have very little sympathy for that sort of behavior.

        should I continue to retain my lawyer here in Ontario
        If both you and ex are permanently in Alberta, with the children, then you will want to do things in Alberta. You may need to give it some time to settle in and establish it as the children's home, however it would seem very imprudent of him to seek to have the case moved out of his province and across the country.

        I don't want to be closer to him, but I do want my children to have a good chance at having a relationship with him. He has not even attempted to see his kids in 6months.
        I would question whether moving to Alberta is in their best interests if you are giving up a stable life in Ontario.

        taken me off his union benefits and the children only have benefits in Alberta as we still reside in Ontario.
        Courts are not sympathetic to this behavior.


        • #5
          Hi thank you for your knowledge, I am just very frustrated with him as he is not even being reasonable, he just up and left us and left everything here everything tools, mess, clothes everything and informed us a month later that he purchased a brand new 4 bedroom house and that he wanted a seperation. I signed a spousal consent that I was aware of his purchase and since then he has done nothing but bully, intimidate and lie to me and our children. He has some sort of entitlement up his butt and it is very very annoying if I text him he threatened to put a restraining order on me as the bitter ex wife which give me a break I am way hotter and younger than his new chick hahaa (sorry i have to find humour somewhere) I know moving may seem like it is not in our best interest however we dont know anyone here really or have much of a life so it can go either way and sometimes a fresh start is all we need in life. I just hope he gets what his entitled buttish attitude deserves

          Would it look bad upon me if I was to change my phone number so he cannot call me or text me? However I could leave the house number, he claims that I don't let him talk to the children and that I have ruined communication between him and the children and this is nothing more than a lie, its summer and we are busy outside the kids call him back when they get a message what is his motive any suggestions?


          • #6
            If you are leaving avenues available for him to contact the children then you are free to change your number.

            It sounds like you have a fair number of issues stemming from a relationship where he is used to getting his way. Hiring a lawyer to resolve matters, particularly to get you ongoing spousal and child support, would be very prudent.


            • #7
              Hi OrleansLawyer thanks for taking the time to respond to me! You are soo bang on he is very used to me giving him what he wants, he doesn't likey when i don't bow to him anymore! Thank you., my lawyer is on it!! I appreciate all your advice. I am such a newbie at all this I was a housewife and a mother for the past 12 years now I am holding my head high my standards higher and will walk right through this mess and the world is a beautiful place now that I can see it


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