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Arabian's very own thread

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  • Arabian's very own thread

    Momymonkey: You will get all sorts of opinions on this forum, many that you won't agree with. No one has walked in your shoes. The fact that you opened up and asked for advice is a sign that you love your son.

    You have not abandoned your son. Your son is almost an adult and needs a stern hand, not kindergarten tactics. I wish you the very best.

  • #2
    Arabian's very own thread

    Originally posted by arabian View Post
    Monymonkey: I am so very sorry that you wrote into this forum for some advice and you had to put up with the very distasteful antics of one of our moderators. I hope you do post again and let us know how things turn out for you. There are thousands of people who view this forum and the few rude responses you received do not represent the views of everyone.
    I have never purported to speak for everyone, as you frequently feel the need to. If you are unhappy reading my posts, then don't. Carry on.

    And have a great day!
    Last edited by blinkandimgone; 07-26-2012, 10:29 PM.


    • #3
      If you are going to quote from something it is proper to cite your source. Makes you look less "know it all" if you get what I mean.


      • #4
        Originally posted by arabian View Post
        If you are going to quote from something it is proper to cite your source. Makes you look less "know it all" if you get what I mean.
        And...what did I quote without a source?


        • #5
          Yeah you have a great day too. Try to be nicer next time. If you quit paraphrasing everyone all of the time you would come across as more mature and your point of view would have more validity. Cutting and pasting is one thing but to misquote someone is wrong and, to me, immoral.


          • #6
            Blink - what is your undergrad/graduate degree in?


            • #7
              Originally posted by arabian View Post
              Yeah you have a great day too. Try to be nicer next time. If you quit paraphrasing everyone all of the time you would come across as more mature and your point of view would have more validity. Cutting and pasting is one thing but to misquote someone is wrong and, to me, immoral.
              I have gone through this thread a few times and am trying to find the "paraphrasing" you are referring to in Blink's message?


              • #8
                Originally posted by arabian View Post
                Yeah you have a great day too. Try to be nicer next time. If you quit paraphrasing everyone all of the time you would come across as more mature and your point of view would have more validity. Cutting and pasting is one thing but to misquote someone is wrong and, to me, immoral.
                I neither cut and pasted nor misquoted. The quotes I posted were directly taken from YOUR posts here using the quote feature. Are you now claiming those were not your words?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by arabian View Post
                  Blink - what is your undergrad/graduate degree in?
                  How is THAT any of your business or relevant to this thread?


                  • #10
                    Look up the definition of paraphrasing - "restatement of text or passage using other words..." (wikipedia).

                    When Blink paraphrases me she conveniently leaves out important words and inserts her own interpretation. If I had to opt I would prefer the "cut" and "paste" method of quoting someone - at least it would be accurate. Paraphrasing while handy at times when we talk verbally, can be quite dangerous and libelous when used in written communication. I have a problem with people who twist other people's words around to their advantage. People who do this usually are sly but of low intelligence, in my opinion.


                    • #11
                      This thread is of no benefit to anyone anymore. Blink has successfully scared off the OP with her sarcasm.

                      If we had a decent moderator he/she would end the thread.


                      • #12
                        You're absolutely right, I should go through and purge this thread of all the offtopic posts by Arabian. Be right back.


                        • #13
                          Yes please do and show everyone how mature you are. Honestly, this is getting a bit carried away don't you think?

                          I don't think I told you to purge the thread of "all the offtopic posts by Arabian" did I????? You have a big problem blink. Go have a cigarette or something.


                          • #14
                            blinkthoughtpolice: Thanks for the apology.


                            • #15
                              Don't quote from textbooks, Clinical/Medical reference books, unless you mention your source - plagiarism, we learn in first year university is a serious offense.

                              We all appreciate advice but it isn't good to pretend to be the author of something that you aren't. It will come back to bite you in the butt some day.

                              Just Sayen!


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