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  • #1
    oh no that is terrible. How old is your child? Just remember they are making new strides everyday in treatments.

    Kinda puts everything in perspective when shit like this happens. All the divorce crap doesnt mean a thing when your child has been diagnosed with a horrible disease.

    so sorry you and your family are going thru this.


    • #2
      Originally posted by iceberg View Post
      My child was diagnosed with leukemia. Im crushed. I wanna die. God help us
      My heart goes out to you. Leukemia is a broad term used to describe a number of blood disorders. Is the diagnosis acute or chronic leukemia? Lymphoblastic or myeloid leukemia?

      The doctor providing the diagnosis would have identified it as a combination of the above mentioned classifications would result in four base diagnosis. Clarify with the doctor as to what the root diagnosis is i.e. "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" etc..

      This will define the treatment which is generally pharmaceutical (chemotherapy) taken by the clinicians.

      Depending on the stage of development there are a lot of great things that can be done to treat leukemia and a significant amount of research has been done. Princess Margret is the 2nd best cancer treatment facility in the world and in Canada you have access to some of the best doctors in the world for treating this condition.

      As a parent the difficulty you face in assisting in your child's medical needs is understanding the complexity of the treatment. Remember, all is not lost and many children overcome leukemia and there is a whole medical community out there to help both you and your child through this. Talk to the doctor about how you as a parent can get support through all this too. Many of the hospitals have excellent support groups and even staff to help you through all this.

      It is overwhelming to be told something like this about your child but, always keep in the back of your mind the positive developments that have been made in treating leukemia. If managed and treated properly it can be beaten!

      All the best wishes for you and your child,


      • #3
        My nephew had a blood disorder much like leukemia, so my heart goes out to you, your family and especially your kid.

        I hope they pull through.


        • #4
          So sad to hear this news. I hope your child will respond to the treatment available. Still such a baby, it is heartbreaking. Don't give up hope. Your child needs you now more than ever. Wishing you a miracle and I hope you have lots of support. It certainly does put a lot into perspective. A huge hug, and hoping for the very best outcome and a full recovery. It has got to be the scariest thing - I cannot truly imagine.


          • #5
            Iceberg-If there's anything I / we can do (such as looking up information for you etc...) please let us know. I agree with posters above-it does put everything in perspective. This is your priority now, and I'm sure you are a bundle of emotions right now. Good luck, and this can be beaten...
            Sending prayers your way and hugs...


            • #6
              ALL has 85% survival rate in children. Be hopeful. Once the initial shock wears off, I'm sure you'll both survive. It's going to be a rough and scary time, certainly, but she's very likely to pull through just fine. Be the best comforting dad you can to her, and don't let your ex shut you out of treatment.


              • #7
                Hang in there, one step at a time. Dealing with children with illness is one of the most stressfull situation there is. Try and not jump to conclusions or worry about what has not yet happened. Deal with the now. I wish you the best, be strong


                • #8
                  Your child will be in my prayers.


                  • #9
                    mglee has good advice. My heart goes out to you. I wish you good thoughts, sunny days and lots and lots of friends to give you comfort and support.


                    • #10
                      Originally posted by iceberg View Post
                      My child was diagnosed with leukemia. Im crushed. I wanna die. God help us
                      There are no words...

                      Talk about perspective, huh people?

                      So sorry to hear the news. I look forward to an update stating that your baby (they're all still our babies!) is one of the VAST MAJORITY who survive.




                      • #11
                        Best wishes!!! Sending lots of healthy and healing vibes...



                        • #12
                          I am so sorry to hear about this news!

                          You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Try and stay strong during this difficult time!

                          I/We are here for you if you need us!




                          • #13
                            Good news! Very happy for you and your family!


                            • #14
                              Great news. Thanks for sharing the update. All the Best


                              • #15
                                That is fantastic! Must feel like winning the lottery.

                                Angels are among us.


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