I was wondering if anyone has had experiences getting a justice at trial to agree to non-guideline amounts for child support.
I have a large family and with my wife (STBXW) not working much, my income is pretty thin. She one the other hand is getting income support despite not trying to work more than she is (2 days/wk), of course tax credits, and other subsidies. Added bonus is that she gets Legal Aid, so she has a very low debt load.
My problem is in getting the two of us to have equal amounts of money as we have the kids an equal amount of time (technically, I have 2% more time). I don't want to be Scrooge, but I don't want the kids to get fun and comfort at moms with a mom who's been relaxing most days, and hate being at my house with a dad trying to manage work and billls.
Ideas? Thoughts?
I was wondering if anyone has had experiences getting a justice at trial to agree to non-guideline amounts for child support.
I have a large family and with my wife (STBXW) not working much, my income is pretty thin. She one the other hand is getting income support despite not trying to work more than she is (2 days/wk), of course tax credits, and other subsidies. Added bonus is that she gets Legal Aid, so she has a very low debt load.
My problem is in getting the two of us to have equal amounts of money as we have the kids an equal amount of time (technically, I have 2% more time). I don't want to be Scrooge, but I don't want the kids to get fun and comfort at moms with a mom who's been relaxing most days, and hate being at my house with a dad trying to manage work and billls.
Ideas? Thoughts?