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UCCB Question

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  • UCCB Question

    Currently my financee and I do not live together. We are planning on getting married this summer but I have a question on the UCCB. She is currently collecting the UCCB for her children from her previous marriage and is listed as "Divorced". Now as I understand it, they just assessed her monthly amount for July 2011 to June 2012 based on her gross 2010 income. Now, here is where I get confused...

    If we get married in August of this year and move in together, will my income immediately reduce the amount of UCCB she receives (starting in August) and moving forward?

    If we delayed getting married until January 1, 2012, would only her gross income be used from the calculation of the UCCB for July 2012 - June 2013?

    I'm not clear how martial status affects the UCCB given that is calculated a year behind.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    *None of the children are in a shared custody situation


  • #2
    You can report the change in family income immediately, or it can be done on your next tax return. In either case, there is no difference in your net amount.

    What will happen is if you wait and report it with your taxes, then you will be assessed an overpayment and you will owe whatever amount. Then you can either pay up front, you can have it added to your next tax bill or I believe it will be deducted from CCTB payments.


    • #3
      I'm still confused. If my fiancee has already been assessed for July 2011 to June 2012 based on her 2010 income, and we get married in Aug 2011 - what figures do they use? Do they take my 2010 income?


      • #4
        They'll combine the household income. So hers + yours = amount used.
        It shouldn't affect the UCCB...but it will likely effect the CCTB.

        There is an online calculator at the CRA website that you can use to figure out what effect it will have.


        • #5
          The figures will be adjusted as of your marriage date, but you won't see any change in benefits until you file your next tax return. She will probably owe some money for an overpayment. It is good to calculate and prepare for it, but it isn't a big deal unless you are caught off guard.


          • #6
            I've been saying UCCB when I should be saying CCTB.

            If they take our combined income when we got married, what income do they use? Our income as of August 2011 when we get married (which is only part way through the 2011 taxation year)? Our 2010 income as reported? Or our 2011 income at the end of the year? This is what I am confused of. They calculate the CCTB on income one year behind - but what numnbers do they use when your marital status changes?

            Thanks for all they help.


            • #7
              They will use your combined income. Same for the GST/HST credit.


              • #8
                I went through this. Even if you wait until part way through a year, they'll retro act the amount to include your income. What happened with me was as soon as I listed my "boyfriend" as the father and his address was the same as mine my ctc dropped as of that date for my newborn and previous kids.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dhutch View Post
                  I went through this. Even if you wait until part way through a year, they'll retro act the amount to include your income. What happened with me was as soon as I listed my "boyfriend" as the father and his address was the same as mine my ctc dropped as of that date for my newborn and previous kids.
                  Did you live together prior to your listing your boyfriend as the father? My fiancee and I do not live together and won't until August of this year when we get married. I am assuming that any CCTB change won't effective to anytime before we are married? I just don't know what they use to calculate when we get married.


                  • #10
                    If you get married...say tomorrow, and don't tell them then next year when you do your taxes they'll ask you your wedding date. 3 or so months later your wife will recieve a bill in the mail saying she owes for any over payment made from the wedding date. Your best bet, even though it will reduce what she gets is to tell them right away when you marry. My situation was different as we weren't even classed as common law until the second our daughter was born. I was lucky and didn't have to pay anything back because they were informed right away. Hope you guys have a wonderful wedding!!!!


                    • #11
                      Should add once your married they use both your net incomes from your 2010 assessment.


                      • #12
                        Personally, from experience, they do not ask when you got married when filing your income tax return, so if it were me, I would keep 2010 the same, then when you go to file your 2011 tax return, indicate married, That would alleviate the confusion. But I am not an accountant, if you really want the best advise, talk to an accountant, not this forum. They know the rules.


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