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waiting for approval

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  • waiting for approval

    i am mummer 1962's partner. you will see me soon as i am approved as mummersparnter...I am using her account now as i am mad...I am sick of her saying that people are misunderstanding her on this forum..and belive me she is no wimp she can take you all on, she just chooses to be civlil
    I am a partner mummer 1962 is my daughter's stepmother...she has been nothing but supprotive to me when i was going through my own battles with my ex...but let me tell you something..she never let me get on with any bullshit with supporting my children...even when i wanted to be nasty... because it was all about the kids..the kids are our lives she told me....then she had to go into battle with her daughters father.. its a different story...nothing is fair...
    he had NOTHING to do with the child until she was 10 years old.
    Mummer 1962 called him every year and told him when she was in town but he declined to see his daughter
    she did nothing ....never went after him for the guidelines child support, lied to her child about how he was a hero saving other children around the world so she would not be hurt..l..even watched her put fake christmas presents under the tree from him...
    Then at 10 years old he finally decides after another phone call from her,,ok i want her in my life.
    The child said in front of me on the phone...Hi daddy....I almost got sick
    I had been raising her for four years at this point...with nothing from him..
    But i respected my partners decision to keep the door open. We let him take her to his home, meet his wife and her brothers..with our blessings..I was very worreid...cause she was my girl... Hiow dare you judge that she is doing a diservice to her daughter...
    My partner, Mummer 1962 told him it was not a revolving door...
    Now, he divorces, gets remarried and StepMom2 does not like her so he cuts off all contact and tries to renage on his child support you guys shit on my partner for taking him to court....
    Shake your heads...
    She has been nothing but supportive wtih me and my two daughters...her step daughers...she gives them everything..and encourages me to make amends with my ex wife.
    You shoudl be listening to her instead of beliveing some psycho who comes on once and says she is a pathological liar.
    I am listed as mummerspartner...wait till i get approved and send your comments to me...
    for god sake there are good partners in this world..and if you want to take her on go for it...but now i am in to too...I am a father..and she lets me be..and encourages me...god forbid you find a partner as good as she is

  • #2
    Most ridiculous post I've seen on this forum. Wait, make that second most ridiculous, her's being the first.

    You do realize that nobody cares? Perhaps if your wife cares so much about the responses she gets from random internet strangers, it may be time for her to step away from the keyboard and go interact with some real people instead of a computer screen.


    • #3
      haha blinkie will get a kick out this...but hey even i have to agree with her on this one! Furthermore, if and when you're on the fourm long enough and go over blinkie and I back and forths you'll understand what Im saying here.

      I would just say one thing that I've picked up in your post. mummer stroked dad to daughter telling daughter that dad was out saving children's lives (I can not tell you how stupid that was) for some decade...and you've almost puked when she called him dad???? Really..., Really!!! Com'on man! Im really trying to be nice here. But you and mummer should of thought about the ramifications of lying to a child for all those years, you've both made your beds...suck it up buttercup!


      • #4
        Originally posted by LostFather View Post
        haha blinkie will get a kick out this...but hey even i have to agree with her on this one! Furthermore, if and when you're on the fourm long enough and go over blinkie and I back and forths you'll understand what Im saying here.
        At the risk of sounding redundant, NOBODY cares.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mummer1962 View Post

          blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
          Wow... You two were made for each other




          • #6
            Originally posted by blinkandimgone View Post
            At the risk of sounding redundant, NOBODY cares.
            Ahhhh you're a breaking my heart blinkie


            • #7
              I find the title of this thread very interesting. Although, I know you mean to say you are waiting for the ability to post yourself - the title is very telling in the alternative meaning that you are both seemingly waiting for the approval of those here on the site. Why? We are nothing to you. As long as you both approve of your own choices and have the backing of family and friends... Our opinions are irrelevant.

              Yes, there was quite a bit of drama created with some of the posts surrounding mummer and she handled her slamming commentary rather well considering how blasting it was. But, the point I think is that this site is not really concerned with more drama.

              All of these individuals on this site have enough drama in their own lives and don't really want to get caught up in someone one else's drama. They want advise on legal stuff to help them out of their mess.

              Best of luck to you both and stop seeking approval (IMHO.)


              • #8
                Before i went trial, I was a mess... i was so downtrodden that i took anyones opinion as gospel.
                What a fool.
                Now that am done trial... I am back to my confident self. I don t give a rats ass what certain people think here...i won and im pretty sure that I set a precident...
                i'll give you the canlii link as soon as it goes on.,,
                In the meantime sticks and stones
                My poor partner tried to defend me because he cannot even imagine doing what has been done to me and other women here
                he does not have to defend me
                and no...i am not going away
                I am only going to get LOUDER to defend women
                You cannot dump on us. cannot call us bitches,,whaever else you want to call us ....see canadamamas posts.
                Jeff Berndhert owns this forum and i am sure he does not want to go up against a women's rights adovcate.
                So...bring it on....dump on me..but I will be watching all posts and if you unfairly attack women...i will bring it back to the administator
                Gary M, dtte, do not own this forum
                its about fairness...and information..
                so lets do what this forus is supposed to ....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blinkandimgone View Post
                  At the risk of sounding redundant, NOBODY cares.
                  No, Blink, you are confused. There's YOU that doesn't care, and a few others, but there are plenty of caring people on this forum.

                  Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean NOBODY cares. Your delusions that everyone is as uncaring as you are tiresome.


                  • #10
                    Really? You and a bunch of others care SO much about LF's attempts at shitstirring with me? Don't you have anything better to do?

                    As for tiresome - still don't care. Nobody's forcing you to read OR respond to my posts - but have fun anyways!


                    • #11
                      Thank you canadamama...
                      Us women are going to take back this forum...itwomen who are victimized in family court...that is why we are the majority and why we win..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mummer1962 View Post
                        Before i went trial, I was a mess... i was so downtrodden that i took anyones opinion as gospel.
                        What a fool.
                        Now that am done trial... I am back to my confident self. I don t give a rats ass what certain people think here...i won and im pretty sure that I set a precident...
                        i'll give you the canlii link as soon as it goes on.,,
                        In the meantime sticks and stones
                        My poor partner tried to defend me because he cannot even imagine doing what has been done to me and other women here
                        he does not have to defend me
                        and no...i am not going away
                        I am only going to get LOUDER to defend women
                        You cannot dump on us. cannot call us bitches,,whaever else you want to call us ....see canadamamas posts.
                        Jeff Berndhert owns this forum and i am sure he does not want to go up against a women's rights adovcate.
                        So...bring it on....dump on me..but I will be watching all posts and if you unfairly attack women...i will bring it back to the administator
                        Gary M, dtte, do not own this forum
                        its about fairness...and information..
                        so lets do what this forus is supposed to ....
                        hmm do not think u speak for me. Can I be a bitch? you betcha. Have i ever been called bad names on this site, never. You have a chip on your shoulder and it is so heavy that you are walking lopsided.


                        • #13
                          That's funny... I thought this was a forum for those in need, not gender vs. gender.
                          Lady, you and those like you are why the antiquated laws need an overhaul.
                          "Nuff sid.
                          I'll let your posts speak to that.


                          • #14
                            Lf and NB dad are few and far between who dare to stand up to the rest of you who want us to attend your pity party..
                            Women are usually the victims in child support cases...we birth the children, care for the children and then have to go to court to fight for support for the children...


                            • #15
                              standing on the chip just a go to battle in...not lopsided, but ready to sick of the crap that is one sided on this site
                              I battle for the children so bring it on


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