i am mummer 1962's partner. you will see me soon as i am approved as mummersparnter...I am using her account now as i am mad...I am sick of her saying that people are misunderstanding her on this forum..and belive me she is no wimp she can take you all on, she just chooses to be civlil
I am a father....my partner mummer 1962 is my daughter's stepmother...she has been nothing but supprotive to me when i was going through my own battles with my ex...but let me tell you something..she never let me get on with any bullshit with supporting my children...even when i wanted to be nasty... because it was all about the kids..the kids are our lives she told me....then she had to go into battle with her daughters father..
welll......now its a different story...nothing is fair...
he had NOTHING to do with the child until she was 10 years old.
Mummer 1962 called him every year and told him when she was in town but he declined to see his daughter
she did nothing ....never went after him for the guidelines child support, lied to her child about how he was a hero saving other children around the world so she would not be hurt..l..even watched her put fake christmas presents under the tree from him...
Then at 10 years old he finally decides after another phone call from her,,ok i want her in my life.
The child said in front of me on the phone...Hi daddy....I almost got sick
I had been raising her for four years at this point...with nothing from him..
But i respected my partners decision to keep the door open. We let him take her to his home, meet his wife and her brothers..with our blessings..I was very worreid...cause she was my girl... Hiow dare you judge that she is doing a diservice to her daughter...
My partner, Mummer 1962 told him it was not a revolving door...
Now, he divorces, gets remarried and StepMom2 does not like her so he cuts off all contact and tries to renage on his child support payments...an you guys shit on my partner for taking him to court....
Shake your heads...
She has been nothing but supportive wtih me and my two daughters...her step daughers...she gives them everything..and encourages me to make amends with my ex wife.
You shoudl be listening to her instead of beliveing some psycho who comes on once and says she is a pathological liar.
I am listed as mummerspartner...wait till i get approved and send your comments to me...
for god sake there are good partners in this world..and if you want to take her on go for it...but now i am in to too...I am a father..and she lets me be..and encourages me...god forbid you find a partner as good as she is
I am a father....my partner mummer 1962 is my daughter's stepmother...she has been nothing but supprotive to me when i was going through my own battles with my ex...but let me tell you something..she never let me get on with any bullshit with supporting my children...even when i wanted to be nasty... because it was all about the kids..the kids are our lives she told me....then she had to go into battle with her daughters father..
welll......now its a different story...nothing is fair...
he had NOTHING to do with the child until she was 10 years old.
Mummer 1962 called him every year and told him when she was in town but he declined to see his daughter
she did nothing ....never went after him for the guidelines child support, lied to her child about how he was a hero saving other children around the world so she would not be hurt..l..even watched her put fake christmas presents under the tree from him...
Then at 10 years old he finally decides after another phone call from her,,ok i want her in my life.
The child said in front of me on the phone...Hi daddy....I almost got sick
I had been raising her for four years at this point...with nothing from him..
But i respected my partners decision to keep the door open. We let him take her to his home, meet his wife and her brothers..with our blessings..I was very worreid...cause she was my girl... Hiow dare you judge that she is doing a diservice to her daughter...
My partner, Mummer 1962 told him it was not a revolving door...
Now, he divorces, gets remarried and StepMom2 does not like her so he cuts off all contact and tries to renage on his child support payments...an you guys shit on my partner for taking him to court....
Shake your heads...
She has been nothing but supportive wtih me and my two daughters...her step daughers...she gives them everything..and encourages me to make amends with my ex wife.
You shoudl be listening to her instead of beliveing some psycho who comes on once and says she is a pathological liar.
I am listed as mummerspartner...wait till i get approved and send your comments to me...
for god sake there are good partners in this world..and if you want to take her on go for it...but now i am in to too...I am a father..and she lets me be..and encourages me...god forbid you find a partner as good as she is