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Adultery and spousal support

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  • Adultery and spousal support

    Does adultery have any affect on spousal support?

  • #2
    Not at all.


    • #3
      No bearing whatsoever.


      • #4
        Canada is "no fault" when it comes to divorce. So adultry and all other matters have no bearing on support.


        • #5
          I guess morality has no place in our justice system.


          • #6
            Nice. You got shit on, so you should get paid.


            • #7
              She is the one that cheated and now I will have to pay SS because she is losing her job in November. How about finding a job that will pay her what she is worth and not take jobs that pay her 20000 less.


              • #8
                Smile and remember why you married her...then smile harder knowing she will be soon gone


                • #9
                  So she is losing her job in November..that's a lot of notice if she is getting fired... Sounds like she is being laid off and you feel that it's her fault?

                  Regardless, SS does not depend on who broke up the marriage. If you feel that she is not doing her best to find employment or is intentionally unemployed, then you can have an income comparable to what she could be earning (in this economy) imputed on her.


                  • #10
                    Since no fault divorce, you get to pay to have someone else sleep with your spouse, and often in your bed in your home, with your children there to hear it.


                    • #11
                      let go of the anger....

                      Originally posted by rwm1273 View Post
                      Since no fault divorce, you get to pay to have someone else sleep with your spouse, and often in your bed in your home, with your children there to hear it.
                      Still that angry? Have you looked at talking about it with someone?

                      Every time my ex or my spouse's ex gets under my skin, I have a picture of my kids-both of them with me-that I seek out...a bit of time alone with your thoughts and a picture of the kids can do wonders to find inner peace.


                      • #12
                        Actually I was paraphrasing a friend of mine. His version was a little more graphic.

                        I don't care who my ex has sex with. And I'm just happy being a parent to my kids. However I just wish it was that simple.


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