In 12 years and about 7 job changes my ex-husband has not once contacted them to give them his new employment info. Because I can't wait for months for them to get on it and track it down, I play detective and dig for the info and call it into the FRO myself. THe first time he changed jobs I called FRO to say that he had new employment and could they look into it - I was told they couldn't call him or send him a letter without proof that his employment has changed (???). I replied that there hasn't been any payment made in 6 weeks, so obviously something is up. I was met with silence, then a reluctant agreement to call his employer of record to see why payment hasn't been sent. I asked to be put on hold while they did so, and was soon told that "apparently he doesn't work there anymore" - well, duh! I was then told that they should "give him a chance to contact them". My understanding is that payors have 10 days to report changes and he hasn't been there for over 6 weeks. Grudgingly they called him and got the info.
After that I did it myself - I have been scolded, chastised, hung up on, sighed name it. I have been told a million different stories about what they can & can't do, and never the same thing twice. He hasn't called in his current employment information but has been paying on his own, treading the line each time he pays, as he knows FRO won't take action to garnish his pay if he stays less than 3-4 months behind (I get two differing stories on this one too). FRO refuses to use his employer info because he's paying, albeit sporadically and always weeks late. I'm hoping with the new court order that will be coming that the garnishing will be automatic, as I know with a higher amount he will be even worse, but ever mindful of what he can get away with. I'm sure I'm not alone in my frustration with this circus called FRO! Is it too much to ask that people do their jobs?
After that I did it myself - I have been scolded, chastised, hung up on, sighed name it. I have been told a million different stories about what they can & can't do, and never the same thing twice. He hasn't called in his current employment information but has been paying on his own, treading the line each time he pays, as he knows FRO won't take action to garnish his pay if he stays less than 3-4 months behind (I get two differing stories on this one too). FRO refuses to use his employer info because he's paying, albeit sporadically and always weeks late. I'm hoping with the new court order that will be coming that the garnishing will be automatic, as I know with a higher amount he will be even worse, but ever mindful of what he can get away with. I'm sure I'm not alone in my frustration with this circus called FRO! Is it too much to ask that people do their jobs?