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Common in law spousal support

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  • Common in law spousal support

    Good day,

    Friend of mine lives with partner for some number of years, they aren't married. They have never "registered" their relationships, and filed taxes as "single" (I would imagine it was a violation, though what do I know). Now, the separation comes, and unlike some other couples, these two have common sense of not coming to court, at least for now, and friend is actually willing to support ex financially, for whatever personal reasons, or still hoping to reconcile, or maybe just knows how much court costs.

    Provided one of them moves out and lives separately, would CRA consider payments from friend to ex as spousal support, if courts were not involved and order not made, and would make them taxable for ex and deductible to friend?

    From what I read here they are, but having some experience with CRA, it is hard to get a tax deduction from them even when there is a court order (though they don't have problem deducting additional tax from ex).

    Thank you
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