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Spousal Support Question to

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  • Spousal Support Question to

    First off i dont have a lawyer, figured i would ask here first.. husband and i sperated last august verbally.. we are soon going to do a proper legal seperation agreement.. I am 56 yrs old making 68.000 and he is 53 making 132000. we have 16 yr old son.. we currently live in same household.. been married 18 yrs and living 5 yrs together before that.. when lawyers or supportcalculator. ca... are they using years of marriage to calculate or years cohabitated which would be 23 yrs.. house is paid off value approx 1.4 mil.. when we sell house 50 50 and neither of us can buy each other out.. son would be 50 50.will downsize to a townhouse approx 750000.. might need small mortgage.. as well still have , a car loan for 3 more yrs for 750 a month.. so with townhouse.. now maintenance fees of 500 a month plus paying bills bymyself unlike before.. not sure if i qualify for spousal support on grounds of needs as it will be tough financially when i move..also when i went to mysupportcalculator. ca
    showing if only click spousal suport..1760 low end 2053 mid and 2347 high end
    but because child incolved clicked spousal and figures
    304 spousal and 528 low end
    846 spousal 528 chil midpoint.
    high end would be 1661 spousal plus 528 child support

    so im guessing 304 spousal plus 528 child support i would get if well what do you think of chances of getting spousal thanks

  • #2
    You may want to do a search of the forum for spousal support and “rule of 65” which is years of marriage plus age.

    Be careful though because your son will not be eligible for support after age 21-22 or even full annual support if he goes away to school. If you plan to depend on that money it wouldn't be a smart calculation.

    You may also need to look at your lifestyle and the change needed. A small townhouse may be too much and your ex is not necessarily responsible to keep you in more than you should be in. I'm not saying a discount apartment but be reasonable.

    You could also speak to a few lawyers to get an idea of how much you would be entitled to. If you are reasonable and it isn't a fight then you can avoid a lot of costs associated with fighting.


    • #3
      thanks for the info...yes its best to see a lawyer..lets have a guess.. forgot about if entitled or not.. through numbers i posted.. what would be a fair number to offer husband for spousal support.. we have already agreed on 550 child support.. thanks


      • #4
        Maybe the actual numbers are different but it looks like you should be getting 541 total for both cs and ss right now. If you still qualify for ss in 6+ years when your child finishes university, then cs would stop and ss would go up.


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