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    My common law and partner and i seperated Dec 1st '08...He has the cottage in his name (though I have the bank draft showing that I paid for it) his mother lied in an affidavit that she gave me $30 000 which now shows that $8 000 went to a down payment on a house and $22 000 to pay for his land to build out cottage. Before the split my family went to the camp with his and built it. It's currently just a framed cottage. Upon seperating he stopped making payments on all the joint debt...His mother bought him a new house, while myself and my 2 children that are 4 and 2 are living at my mother's as my house foreclosed. I was a ft student and when i started working I couldn't afford any of the payments as he got us so far in debt. Now he says he's going to file for bankruptcy...but he still owns a 2008 special edition chevy, a 16ft flat bed trailer, a cottag, boat...he tore down the fence that was around our home and built it around his new one...What can I do? if anything...My kawyer knows all of this, but we have to have custody resolved first...but by the time we come too the property I'll probably be bankrupt...

  • #2
    I went through a very similar situation. I was at a staff meeting when my ex had the "decency" to call me and tell me, "I'm on my way to declare bankruptcy, you might want to do the same." I am sorry to say that if he does this you have no other recourse than to follow suit or else all the debt will be put onto you. As for his possessions, they will go if he does declare bankruptcy. They repo everything except for a car valued under $6500. Aside from that everything else goes.

    If you want you can pm me and I can go into more detail.
    Sorry you are having to go through sucks but the light at the end of the tunnel is you do not have to shore up his debts any more, and let me tell you that feels GREAT!


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