My spouse has been separated from his ex for 4 years, married for 12. They have two kids (time shared 50/50). At the time of separation they split all of their assets and have been paying all kids expenses 50/50 since that time. Just last week the divorce finally went through (despite his ex's attempts to appeal it). All support was severed from the divorce. They used to own a business together for about 10 years, that too was sold a couple of years ago and split 50/50. The ex did not work at the business for the last few years (they had a nanny, she did not play a significant role in raising the children). Since separation both have started their own businesses. Their businesses essentially made the same amount of profit in 2008 (hers slightly more). That said my spouse's business has two partners, so he basically made half what she did. She is demanding CS and SS because she believes he has the "potential" to make more money than her. She has hired someone to drum up a potential income for him. She has been completely self sufficient for the past 4 years. Started a profitable business by herself, has managed to pay for 50% of all children's expenses, dragged her feet on every settlement conference (asked for delays on 4), it even took her two years to file for a divorce. She clearly cannot argue that she needed the support in the past.
Thoughts/opinions on if this will fly in court.
Thoughts/opinions on if this will fly in court.