At least I feel like I am being taken advantage of by my ex-wife and her lawyer. We were married for 16 years, we have 2 kids (age 8 and 10 now). We separated June of 2007 and I moved out Aug 2007. We were divorced in Feb 2009. We still have no divorce agreement in place however. I have been paying her 65% of my income since day 1 of me leaving the matrimonial home. She worked every weekend while we were married and for the first 10 months of our separation that is until I wanted in writing the arrangement for parenting time which was every weekend and one overnight a week. She refused to put our arrangement in writing and since then I have our kids for 2 overnights one weekend and one overnight the following weekend and one overnight during the week. and she now claims that she is unable to work the hours she used to because of the parenting schedule.
All of the money I am giving her each month since the separation is considered child support since I did not have a clue when we separated and did not have a lawyer to get a clue when I signed on the dotted line to have the support only counted as child and not spouse, I am having a hell of a time splitting the payments up as spousal support and child support. I am also saddled with all the joint debts we accumulated during the marriage and since I am the one paying on these debts she feels that should not change either.
She refuses to come to the table unless I agree to keep all as status quo which is great for her but I am getting the raw end of this deal.
My question is: What can I do to get a divorce agreement in place that is fair to both of us, I have not and would not refuse to pay child and spousal support nor would I disagree with taking on my portion of the joint debts yet there does not seem to be anything in place that will make her come to the table to hatch out an agreement. What do I do?
All of the money I am giving her each month since the separation is considered child support since I did not have a clue when we separated and did not have a lawyer to get a clue when I signed on the dotted line to have the support only counted as child and not spouse, I am having a hell of a time splitting the payments up as spousal support and child support. I am also saddled with all the joint debts we accumulated during the marriage and since I am the one paying on these debts she feels that should not change either.
She refuses to come to the table unless I agree to keep all as status quo which is great for her but I am getting the raw end of this deal.
My question is: What can I do to get a divorce agreement in place that is fair to both of us, I have not and would not refuse to pay child and spousal support nor would I disagree with taking on my portion of the joint debts yet there does not seem to be anything in place that will make her come to the table to hatch out an agreement. What do I do?