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The hilarity of it all

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  • The hilarity of it all

    So, all I can do is laugh right now, cause I'm pretty much cried out from the stress.
    But, after losing a number of days in pay at work to take my ex to court to finally get an interim child support order, have garnishment put in place, receive one late payment only to watch it go into arrears month after month, FRO informs me today it's because he quit his job....
    What kind of (insert language here) quits a job that pays $24.51 per hour to avoid paying child support for their own children! (yeah it's rhetorical, I just will not use the nasty language I am thinking right now)

  • #2
    If he is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, the courts will impute and income based on which they will determine child support payments and can order him to pay that. But, yet again, it's a court battle. I'm sorry to hear you're not getting any support. I hope you get this figured out soon.


    • #3
      The custodial parent in our case quit her good paying job years ago. We pay 100% of all extras and flights, basically paying for her "choices". It is sad to aee any parent that doesn't care to contribute financially to their kids. But we were told we wouldn't get anywhere trying to impute her an income. So it goes.........


      • #4
        All you can do now is try and find out where he gets another job and inform the FRO. I'm very sorry to hear about yet another extremely frustrating setback for you.


        • #5
          I will be calling FRO again tomorrow with information about an employer he might have some employment with still. His financial disclosure provided information that appears as though he still does some work for another place.
          They have stated that a Federal Deduction notice was sent to the canada justice department and that they can go after 50% of EI & CPP or 100% of GST & Income tax refunds - though since it was only submitted on Dec 29th and IF he gets any GST rebate, it would have missed January's payment & won't grab it until April. He's a late tax filing type of person, so that wouldn't happen until the very last moment taxes have to be filed.
          I should have suspected something was up when the federal deduction happened. I spoke to FRO several times and each time someone gives me just a tiny bit more of information, today being the update that his employer informed them that he had quit his job. I do not know when he quit either as that was not provided.
          All I was told in bits & pieces over the last 2 weeks was that his employer mailed FRO a cheque on Dec 19th and did not state how much it was for. They had been sent a deduction order Nov 19th to collect as much as 50% per pay for the arrears, but this was not done. So I can only assume this to mean that he quit late November to early December.

          We have a settlement conference Feb 3rd, and I have Jan 15th booked from work to file the rest of the paperwork for it, so we shall see.
          I am going to request a trial date, but I will be attempting to get him to settl on the custody issues prior to trial.


          • #6

            KImberly I have been reading your posts and I feel sorry.My ex left his 70,ooo job and was imputed a income.Till he started paying they were behind him like anything.Don't you have a case worker?


            • #7
              I have asked about that, and was given a first name, but they told me it was something new, that only some people have a direct contact to a case worker, and I'm not one of them. All I get is the automated line or an agent.


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