from my understanding when an ex remarries/repartners the non compensatory side of SS will decrease.
Right now we are still interim x 4 years as they are dragging heels
Ex BF has essentially moved in and I likely will have to go a PI route. The kids basically told me, but the ex loves to lie.
The BF i believe still has his own place and may be selling to roommate or renting his part of house out.
My question, what are the factors to meet a threshold to make this relevant to lower SS in any way?
For example, if it was someone on wellfare it will not matter.
He has a job and I would imagine is contributing financially to the house.
I would most certainly put a clause in final order about any future support obligations upon repartnering as I have seen cases where a support recipient was dating a fellow before final order, married the guy and it was deemed this was not a material change as it should have been contemplated at the time of signing the order.
from my understanding when an ex remarries/repartners the non compensatory side of SS will decrease.
Right now we are still interim x 4 years as they are dragging heels
Ex BF has essentially moved in and I likely will have to go a PI route. The kids basically told me, but the ex loves to lie.
The BF i believe still has his own place and may be selling to roommate or renting his part of house out.
My question, what are the factors to meet a threshold to make this relevant to lower SS in any way?
For example, if it was someone on wellfare it will not matter.
He has a job and I would imagine is contributing financially to the house.
I would most certainly put a clause in final order about any future support obligations upon repartnering as I have seen cases where a support recipient was dating a fellow before final order, married the guy and it was deemed this was not a material change as it should have been contemplated at the time of signing the order.