having an interesting case. I was ordered on temporary basis huge CS/SS during the case conference couple years ago, as my ex swore in affidavit that she had 0 income, and somehow judge agreed not to use her last year income. I was represented, but I guess counted on my counsel too much who said I should agree, or else they would bring a motion and I'll have to pay for motion as well.
1.5 years ago we had NFP, and there was a final order on NFP and the past support (I was ordered to pay arrears from separation date, despite we lived under the same roof).
Today I discovered that my ex has been working for multiple clients during the period covered in affidavit and was accepting cash for her work. I do have a proof that she did work, for whom and what projects. If this would get to trial her clients would become hostile witnesses as no one would want to admit they were evading taxes (HST), but I still can proof she did work.
So she lied in affidavit in order to get financial advantage i.e. support.
What would be realistic outcome I could count on for her misleading court/me and providing false information in affidavit?
The court would just recalculate the support/would ask her to return entire support, do nothing?
Any chances for me recovering legal fees say for the conferences we had, all support discussions etc.? I essentially will need to start it over as all discussions with my lawyer, court appearance etc. appeared to be based on false sworn data.
having an interesting case. I was ordered on temporary basis huge CS/SS during the case conference couple years ago, as my ex swore in affidavit that she had 0 income, and somehow judge agreed not to use her last year income. I was represented, but I guess counted on my counsel too much who said I should agree, or else they would bring a motion and I'll have to pay for motion as well.
1.5 years ago we had NFP, and there was a final order on NFP and the past support (I was ordered to pay arrears from separation date, despite we lived under the same roof).
Today I discovered that my ex has been working for multiple clients during the period covered in affidavit and was accepting cash for her work. I do have a proof that she did work, for whom and what projects. If this would get to trial her clients would become hostile witnesses as no one would want to admit they were evading taxes (HST), but I still can proof she did work.
So she lied in affidavit in order to get financial advantage i.e. support.
What would be realistic outcome I could count on for her misleading court/me and providing false information in affidavit?
The court would just recalculate the support/would ask her to return entire support, do nothing?
Any chances for me recovering legal fees say for the conferences we had, all support discussions etc.? I essentially will need to start it over as all discussions with my lawyer, court appearance etc. appeared to be based on false sworn data.