My son is turning 18 and will be going to university. I have a fat RESP fund for him. He lives with his mother and will continue to live there throughout his academics. I'm currently paying child support.
I haven't looked at the RESP report yet but from my own notes, I conclude that it's 35-40% of my own contributions and grants. The rest is realized gains, dividends and unrealized gains. I set up this RESP fund well afer divorce, so it's all mine plus grants against my contributions.
I'm just learning about how RESP payouts work. My understanding is that there are some limits on how much grant money is paid out but no limits on the rest. If I divide current value of this fund by four years of planned academics, I would be paying out in excess of $25,000CAD per year to my son's bank account. This exceeds my share of academic expenses and child support combined. So what happens in such case? Is child support still paid? My son would be taxed for this, so how does tax payable affect this decision? He has applied for summer job so may have income of his own. Also, since money is being paid out to his account, I am in no control of what he does with it. I don't worry specifically about him but I'm sure issues do occur out there, so there must be a proven path through this. Any advice or reference to literature would be much appreciated.
I haven't looked at the RESP report yet but from my own notes, I conclude that it's 35-40% of my own contributions and grants. The rest is realized gains, dividends and unrealized gains. I set up this RESP fund well afer divorce, so it's all mine plus grants against my contributions.
I'm just learning about how RESP payouts work. My understanding is that there are some limits on how much grant money is paid out but no limits on the rest. If I divide current value of this fund by four years of planned academics, I would be paying out in excess of $25,000CAD per year to my son's bank account. This exceeds my share of academic expenses and child support combined. So what happens in such case? Is child support still paid? My son would be taxed for this, so how does tax payable affect this decision? He has applied for summer job so may have income of his own. Also, since money is being paid out to his account, I am in no control of what he does with it. I don't worry specifically about him but I'm sure issues do occur out there, so there must be a proven path through this. Any advice or reference to literature would be much appreciated.