3 children of the marriage - 2 of them were kicked out of their mothers home 6 months ago and reside with me.
I am still supporting the one living with their mother (full table support) but mother has not and refuses to pay any support or section 7 for the 2 children that I have. She states she can not make an income due to her health issues. She has not worked in 10 years. That I know of she has stated she only lives off of child support and child tax. She has one more child at home (younger, not mine).
We were dealing with legal proceedings brought on by her for more $ prior to Covid and requested (through lawyers) her financial information 3x and never did receive anything.
Long story short…does she really get to get off on not supporting the 2 children I have with me based off of medically not being able to work all while collecting for the other child? The one with her will be turning 18 next April graduating in June. Will have to move for further education as it’s hours of a drive either way to obtain post secondary. Can I ask for reduced support based off of having 2 of the 3 children and also having to contribute to the 18 year olds post secondary and their living expenses?
We are through MEP as I registered myself on it. They are great to work with. They reduced my support down to one child immediately when I asked for a child status review when my 2 children moved in with me.
We have not done a new custody order as I wanted to give the children a year to live here to make sure it is what they want to do. I imagine when 18 year old goes to post secondary we will have to speak to lawyers about costs and support etc and custody for the other 2 can be dealt with then.
My 17 year old does not talk to me or my side of the family. He has been alienated from us. Mom has also cut off communication with me 2 years ago and she has put the kids in charge of communication. So I do not have any idea of his plans for his future. Mother has only requested to see the other 2 children 2x in the past 6 months. Relationships are severely affected as the 17 year old has told his siblings that they have effed mom over financially by moving out…mom and 17 year old now telling the 2 kids they need to move home and they made a bad decision by moving - they both seem to forget that mom kicked them out and had me come get them and didn’t let them finish their last month of school before summer break.
Lots going on…I know my rights as a father are not on my side when it comes to receiving financial support and I could get by without but it is tight. Just wondering what my options might be in this situation.
Thank you
I am still supporting the one living with their mother (full table support) but mother has not and refuses to pay any support or section 7 for the 2 children that I have. She states she can not make an income due to her health issues. She has not worked in 10 years. That I know of she has stated she only lives off of child support and child tax. She has one more child at home (younger, not mine).
We were dealing with legal proceedings brought on by her for more $ prior to Covid and requested (through lawyers) her financial information 3x and never did receive anything.
Long story short…does she really get to get off on not supporting the 2 children I have with me based off of medically not being able to work all while collecting for the other child? The one with her will be turning 18 next April graduating in June. Will have to move for further education as it’s hours of a drive either way to obtain post secondary. Can I ask for reduced support based off of having 2 of the 3 children and also having to contribute to the 18 year olds post secondary and their living expenses?
We are through MEP as I registered myself on it. They are great to work with. They reduced my support down to one child immediately when I asked for a child status review when my 2 children moved in with me.
We have not done a new custody order as I wanted to give the children a year to live here to make sure it is what they want to do. I imagine when 18 year old goes to post secondary we will have to speak to lawyers about costs and support etc and custody for the other 2 can be dealt with then.
My 17 year old does not talk to me or my side of the family. He has been alienated from us. Mom has also cut off communication with me 2 years ago and she has put the kids in charge of communication. So I do not have any idea of his plans for his future. Mother has only requested to see the other 2 children 2x in the past 6 months. Relationships are severely affected as the 17 year old has told his siblings that they have effed mom over financially by moving out…mom and 17 year old now telling the 2 kids they need to move home and they made a bad decision by moving - they both seem to forget that mom kicked them out and had me come get them and didn’t let them finish their last month of school before summer break.
Lots going on…I know my rights as a father are not on my side when it comes to receiving financial support and I could get by without but it is tight. Just wondering what my options might be in this situation.
Thank you